Big things are developing. Stay tuned.


Ulric said:
[chant] Age of Worms Hardcover...Age of Worms Hardcover[/chant]
A Paizo/Necromancer partnership would be awesome !

As for a an Age of Worms Hardcover, I can only join the others by saying : Come On ! Please, Wizards, whoever's not doing things right or letting the paperwork sleep in a drawer, please, accept the publication of the AoW Hardcover... don't be an ass...

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First Post
Erik Mona said:
The timing is still somewhat in question. Our marketing guy Josh, who writes our news releases, is at a convention in Las Vegas right now. I'm going on vacation for a little over a week starting tomorrow (thank you, Jeebus). So I'm not sure when _exactly_ this stuff is going to hit.

But it's coming very soon.
So let's all throw some positive juju to Erik so that the announcement can come out BEFORE he goes on his much needed vacation.

Have fun Erik, but if it's anything like my job, vacations include cell phones and laptops and emergency emails from employees.

+5 Keyboard!

First Post
Erik Mona said:
The timing is still somewhat in question. Our marketing guy Josh, who writes our news releases, is at a convention in Las Vegas right now.

Uh... is Josh at the Pizza Convention? Cuz that's like the only convention going on here this week. Of course, he could be at some smaller convention that the public isn't usually made aware of like... I don't know... AA... NAMBLA... know what? Nevermind... I don't really want to know now that I think about it. :|

Sir Brennen

+5 Keyboard! said:
Uh... is Josh at the Pizza Convention? Cuz that's like the only convention going on here this week. Of course, he could be at some smaller convention that the public isn't usually made aware of like... I don't know... AA... NAMBLA... know what? Nevermind... I don't really want to know now that I think about it. :|
I'm guessing it's the Games Expo which is in Vegas this week.


Personally, I wish it was the return of Ares as its own magazine ... covering d20 Modern, M&M and Star Wars d20 :) But then, I've been hoping for this since d20 Modern hit ;)




mhensley said:
ooh! ooh! I want a box of Beholder-O's! :D
Sorry about the size and quality... I wanted something quick and dirty because I'm busy looking for a job...

... too bad I can't paid to do this.


Maybe later I'll make a larger version with proper effects like shading, and cute little phrases like "A good source of evil!".


Imagicka said:

Sorry about the size and quality... I wanted something quick and dirty because I'm busy looking for a job...

... too bad I can't paid to do this.


Maybe later I'll make a larger version with proper effects like shading, and cute little phrases like "A good source of evil!".

I hear these are low in sugar. Yep, not very sweet at all. :)

Jason Bulmahn

catsclaw227 said:
So let's all throw some positive juju to Erik so that the announcement can come out BEFORE he goes on his much needed vacation.

Have fun Erik, but if it's anything like my job, vacations include cell phones and laptops and emergency emails from employees.

We actually try not to email him while he is on vacation...

Phone calls are much better and faster.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon
GameMastery Brand Manager


WotC's bitch
Imagicka said:

Sorry about the size and quality... I wanted something quick and dirty because I'm busy looking for a job...

... too bad I can't paid to do this.


Maybe later I'll make a larger version with proper effects like shading, and cute little phrases like "A good source of evil!".
See, my first thought on seeing that was "Beholder-OS": the operating system for truly monstrous computers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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