Dramatis Personae
- Amelia, a human spellthieving acetomancer
- Erielle, an half-orc (formerly elven) archer ranger
- Kjolmar, a dour dwarven dungeoncrashing deepwarden
Kjolmar's contribution, like the time before last.
Simeon's Sending
Near the top of the Glaskeel Cliffs,, Amelia mysteriously starts mumbling: "Balan dead in Steppengard. Working with Gallo. Gathering Dashgoban, Timor, to stop Steppenhard's raid into Gallo. Ragesia gathered at end of pass. Wish us luck."
She explains that Simeon's voice appeared in her head to request a status report.
We spot Timor's Castle, a fairy-tale confection of soaring towers and bridges, a mile off. The guards are decidedly relaxed as we approach. Kjolmar is suspicious of their lack of armor or weapons!
"Ah, yes, Mistress Amelia and companions, you are expected. Please, use these rooms to freshen up and I will inform Lady Timor of your arrival..."
The tower appears to have been carved whole from living stone, with no joins or mortar, no tool marks. The rooms are well-appointed and comfortable.
Kjolmar is really, really suspicious!
Lady Timor
We go up, up and more up to an open balcony, which is calm and pleasant despite the winter weather just out of reach. Kjolmar and Eriel both keep their backs firmly against good solid stone walls.
Lady Timor greets us warmly: "Instructor Amelia! Are these your bodyguards?" She is already aware of the general nature of our diplomatic mission.
The meeting quickly turns rather grim, though, as Amelia recounts recent events, skirting the issue of Steppengard's loyalties, but detailing Ragesian attack on the watchtower and recovered orders, of Balan's torture by a Ragesian Inquisitor in Steppengard's dungeons and so on, and then explains our mission: "We seek the aid of Timor to bring a quick end to Steppengard's assault on Gallo, so that we may preserve Dassen's defense against Ragesia. Dashgoban has allied with Gallo."
I don't understand the comment about Steppengard's loyalties, and suspect it's actually an error in the notes. Kjolmar did want to bring up Steppengard's mental state, so maybe that's what he really meant here. Then again, bringing up the torture in Steppengard's castle puts a whole new light on the king's behavior, even if he probably wasn't aware it was happening.
Lady Timor asks our permission to have her diviners verify the authenticity of Jaas's orders. In the meantime, she oh-so-innocuously asks if we came through Innenotdar when we went to Seaquen. "Oh, no, that was a different group. Two of them died exploring a tomb in the sunken city to the east of town." Lady Timor, taken somewhat aback, expresses her condolences before mumbling something about Innenotdar being open to the Ragesian army and then offering everyone some more wine.
Wow, that comment about two of them dying sure shoved the issue back into Lady Timor's face! The funny thing was, discussing this exchange afterwards, the only reason Amelia did that was because she was confused about the geography and was trying to change the subject.
Lady Timor quickly agrees to send 50 battle wizards, a battalion of infantry, and a company of cavalry just so that Dashgoban doesn't get all the credit for the cavalry charges.
Then there's the little issue of getting us all back to Gallo as quickly as possible. By dawn's early light, we are back to the Cliff tops with a Timor wizard, looking far, far down, while he ties a couple of bits of twine to his cloak and ankles.
"Now, we'll just tie us together with this twine..."
"Uh, I don't think that will hold us..."
"Oh, it's just to keep us together when we leap off!"
"oh, yeah, ... sure ...
Are you NUTS!?!? Maybe you could demonstrate..."
At which he tosses some fluff in the air, which blows back over all of us, and says: "That's not good. Oh well, here goes..." and leaps from the cliff. And plummets like a stone til near the bottom, when he suddenly slows, glides around a bit, and then flies back up; "Now, everybody ready!"
"uh, uh... AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" (Who knew Kjolmar could shriek like a little girl?)
"Hey, can we do that again?!?"
"No time, got to get you to Dassen quick! Hey, Pres..."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (OK, we all knew Amelia could scream like a little girl)
"...to-changeo - it's just a horse, for you to ride."
"Oh, sorry, thought we might need asbestos undies for a moment. Anyway, I'll call her Smokey!"
Yes, Amelia is giving names to all her mounts, even the quasi-real horselike ones that will only stick around for a few hours. She is a city girl, after all.
We set out at incredible speed toward Gallo's Fend.
Council of War
We arrive to find Steppengard's army encamped about a large hill to the southeast. Looks like the battle shall begin in a few days.
We meet with Gallo: "We have several objectives:
- "Steppengard has entrenched engines of war; they must be destroyed or disabled for us to control the field of battle.
- "Kelkin Thravanvost the War Wizard has set his tent somewhat apart from Steppengard's army; he may be vulnerable to a quick strike, and that would gravely wound Steppengard's magical support.
- "Commander Hertiage would appreciate your assistance as he orders his troops to defend his section of the line on the field of battle.
"Now, we need Brave Heroes to choose how they want to di..., uh, Aid In Our Effort!"
At which a functionary pipes up with: "And then there's the fourth option..."
Gallo angrily interrupts. "I thought we agreed we did not want to discuss that!"
In a rare show of party unity, we all pipe up with "We would!"
Duke Gallo glares at the functionary and says, "Although it would be very dangerous to approach, Konigsmarshal Malkan's tent lies near the center of the army's camp on the far side of the hill. If the battle goes badly, we..."
Kjolmar cuts in before the duke can finish. "Oooh, cut off the head, and the battle may be over immediately!" Gallo smiles thinly.
Pulting The Catapults
Turns out Gallo's sappers have already run mines under part of the battlefield; they can get us close to the enemy catapults, and maybe provide an escape after.
We hatch our careful plan: disguised as enemy troops, and
Invisible, Pass Without Trace, Messaged -- let's just sneak through the lines...
Clank Clank
rattle CLANK
"Hey, whazzat noise like a dwarven tank in a snow bank?"
"Shhhhhhhhhhh! let's just be really still..."
At which point a dragon passes over, turns, alights and then alights us: "Three of 'em, right where my fiery breath is melting the snow!"
Dragon, meet Eriel, a.k.a., anti-aircraft suppressing fire. And then Amelia rubs acid in the wounds, all the way down to its brain stem.
The foe is undaunted by the instant demise of their fearsome fire-breather. (I dunno, would have given me a moment's pause...)
Everybody's a critic!
Really sad -- put together a nice red dragon, decked out with some useful potions, and she gets knocked down to a mere 3 hit points thanks to a critical hit in Eriel's initial volley of arrows. It was sort of dumb of me to have Scarlet land right near them, but I doubt it would have mattered -- even without the sneak attack, Amelia's acid orb would have done the dragon in.
The battle is joined, with each catapult guarded by five or six warriors. Eriel and Kjolmar begin dispatching ground troops, while Amelia effectively cuts support from further up the line with a sleet storm, some glitter dust on the one person trying to give orders, a dash of haste, and a quick illusion or two (or maybe they just looked like illusions). Larger-than-Life Kjolmar
hastily starts chopping the first catapult to kindling; catapluts one and two succumb quickly as the sleet storm clears.
Enlarged and with a big heap of Power Attack, Kjolmar was able to destroy the catapults with only four blows each.
The guards have regrouped beyond the third catapult -- but can't see us in the dark! As Kjolmar moves towards the third catapult, Eriel puts them all in the dark with a nicely placed Quench. Hmm, bad move; suddenly their arrows seem to start hitting home, now that they are firing blindly.
Yeah, the catapult guards did get a lot of natural 20s.
I was really impressed with that use of Quench. I'd thrown it into the stash they picked up when they raided Lee Sidoneth's place during the warm-up sessions in hopes of them finding a clever use for it, and they certainly did!
And Amelia ... goes off by herself?!? "Does she have a death wish or something?" Nope, she has a plan, which seems to involve five of her and a cloud of knives sneak attacking from the dark of the open field. Suddenly confused and surrounded, the assembled guards do little to slow Kjolmar's destruction of the third catapult; and then they surrender, rather than suffer more losses from unseen sources.
On to number four! Eriel summons a thoqqua in a hyacinth of fire to attack number five. And then the cavalry arrives -- their cavalry, unfortunately, and air cavalry at that.
Another unexpected and clever use of magic on the ranger's part. Woo hoo! Not enough to finish off the catapult, but it would have been enough to let Kjolmar move on to the next one a lot faster.
Oh, incidentally, I have the ranger casting spells using the bard schedule and character level. I figured I'd make the ranger a bit less nerfy, relatively speaking (that dungeoncrasher build that is Kjolmar is pretty awesome), and give the player an opportunity to explore using magic more. Seems to be working!
Lions pounce from the sky. The first lion gets spitted on Kjolmar's pike, but there are two more for each of us. Kjolmar and Eriel are close enough to trade attackers, though Eriel gets repeatedly mauled in the process. Amelia simply vanishes from sight, but then manages to haste us again. She is also severely wounded and playing hide and sneak with an opponent with sharp hearing (to say nothing of scent, of which nothing was ever said...). The soldiers who surrendered stay honorably surrendered, but those further along continue to rain arrows down upon us. Kjolmar notches four more kills before the last two flying lions beat a retreat - but we can hear enemy horses approaching now: Time to retreat! Kjolmar is normal-sized, save a big, wide, blood-spattered grin showing the splinters stuck between his teeth, Amelia is trying to save a few spells for later, and Eriel is running out of both spells and arrows. One last axe blow to destroy catapult four, and maybe five is sufficiently damaged to be out of commission.
I replaced the cavalry with a CR-equivalent pride of criosphinxes -- and then grabbed the hieracosphinx page instead! That was a lucky mistake on my part, because Eriel would have gone down in a bloody heap had I used the right monsters. I think replacing the horses was the right thing for me to do: Since I had decided that all the snow was impeding movement, the cavalry couldn't have done any interesting maneuvers anyhow.
Oh, and I did let them know that the last sphinx to arrive was simply looking for a better position, not actually retreating....
We make the escape tunnel and the sappers blow it behind us.
The party now has exactly ten victory points -- in theory, enough for Duke Gallo to declare a truce, but there's no way for him to know that with any confidence, and I might as well let them go pick on Wiz Kelkin anyhow. Kjolmar thinks it would be just as dangerous and more worthwhile to attack Malkan in his tent (not to be confused with Achilles in his tent ), so I need to more clearly communicate the danger involved.