Does this fella remind you of a Black Dragonborn?
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While I fully agree that the Predator is a huge influence here, those under-slung horns don't look Predator at all--that's why I referenced the Skaarj, because they do have under-slung horns, and some members of the species have the scaly-dreads stuff as well. In fact, the under-slung horns are one of the most distinctive things about the Skaarj. Here's some art from their depiction in the never-completed Unreal Tournament 4 (pre-alpha released in 2014):Its definitely derivitive of the Yautja Predator, it actually reminded me more of an Orc than a Dragonborn (see @EzekielRaidaboucomment about the ugly, brutish look)
still it could be some kind of dragonborn