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Bladesinger Homebrew/Conversion PC class

Hey All I didn't notice this particular page last night when I was looking around, was really tired at the time. I wanted to bring the old Bladesinger kit back as a base class of sorts for a campaign world I'm working on (currently the history of which is undergoing a rewrite as I'm unhappy with the original version in a lot of ways, it's going to be a high fantasy world for sure. One where the Elves actually do have a prosperous kingdom; hence the Bladesinger's existence)

Now I'm not that great at mechanics myself. I came up with a few things, but I had a friend help with some of the other parts of the class build. I know it needs A LOT of work. There are things I know need to be changed but I may not be the best judge of what that might be (I'm, admittedly a huge fan of the old kit. I have a great fondness for it and I really dig the lore I'm working out for it in my own little corner of things. For basic background the Elves of my world were created by Titania as her contribution to the mortal world's races. They have a great affinity for magic and nature and deep love for the world. Rather than the aloof Elves of much fiction the Elves of Allaria, my world, actively see themselves as a part of the world and when one of their own decides to become an adventurer they are celebrated in their village as having learned that they need to see things outside their own little corner of the world. Bladesingers are the elite of the Elven warriors, essentially the Elves answer to Paladins, except arcane in nature rather than divine. There will be a spelled out code to be followed, just haven't worked out all the details in my head before I commit it to paper.)

Please take a look at what I've got so far and give me some constructive ideas on how to fix what's wrong and make it work. This is really important to me because I really love this old kit and I really want to make it work.

(Yes I know the abilities are staggered weird. I need to go back in and fix how Dave arranged them to make them more Pathfinder compliant)

Bladesinger: Hit Die: d10 (I got help developing the mechanics and class abilities for this class from my friend Dave italicized text is by me, normal text is by Dave)

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Know: Arcana (Int), Know: Nature (Int), Perform: Dance (Cha), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int),Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str)

Skill Ranks per Level:2+Int

Base Attack: full

Saves: Good Reflex and Will

Spells: Similar to Paladin, Charisma based,spontaneous(?), small mix of offensive and buffs. 1/4 casting?

Class Abilities:
At first level the Bladesinger gains the Weapon Finesse feat as a bonus feat, and gets their Charisma mod to AC while wearing light or no armor. (Note: a Bladesinger, and only a Bladesinger, may use the Weapon Finesse Feat with the following one handed martial weapons: long sword, scimitar and cutlass)
At second level the Bladesinger gains the ability to attune herself to a single one handed sword. This process takes one full day and she can only be attuned to one sword at a time. (the attunement process requires special incenses that cost 100g as part of a purification process). Afterward the sword is like a physical extension of the Bladesinger granting a +2 bonus vs. being disarmed. Further once attuned to her blade a Bladesinger may sacrifice one of her elemental spells to deal +1d6 acid/cold/electricity/fire per spell level sacrificed on a successful hit.
At third level the Bladesinger gains the ability to use their Dexterity mod to damage in place of their strength mod with their weapon.
At fourth level the Bladesinger gains the Bladesong feat as a bonus feat.
New Feat: Bladesong
Prerequisite: Elf or Half-Elf, base attack bonus +5 or higher
Benefit: May add a +1 dodge bonus to their AC, or a +1 bonus to attack. (the player must say which benefit they are using at a given time, switching bonuses takes a move action)

Focused Training: Once per day the Bladesinger can imbue their sword with magic as a full round action. The sword gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every 4 Bladesinger levels. The Bladesinger may chose equivalent abilities in place of some/all of the enhancement. This ability stacks with any enhancement on the weapon already (max +5 enhancement). The training required for this means that the bladesinger is not as adept with other melee weapons gaining a -2 penalty per 4 levels on attacks made with all melee weapons other than their chosen sword.

At fifth level: Weapon Casting: the bladesinger may substitute any somatic components for her bladesinger spells with gestures with her sword. Summon blade: as a standard action the bladesinger can summon her sword to her hand from up to 100ft per bladesinger level. This is a teleportation effect. If the sword is in the possession of another creature they are entitled to a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Cha mod) to retain possession. If a creature successfully saves, the bladesinger cannot use this ability for 10 min per unsuccessful summon. The blade singer must attune herself to her sword in a day long ritual before using this ability & can only be attuned to one sword at a time. At 10th level the bladesinger can summon her sword from anywhere on the same plane. At 15th level she can summong it across planes.
At sixth level the bladesinger receives the Improved Bladesong feat as a bonus feat.
New Feat: Improved Bladesong
Prerequisite: Elf or Half-Elf, Bladesong, attack bonus of +7 or higher
Benefit: May add a +2 dodge bonus to their AC, or a +2 Attack bonus. (This replaces the benefit of the Bladesong Feat). (the player must say which benefit they are using at a given time, switching bonuses takes a move action)

At seventh level: Locate Elf: The bladesinger can locate creature at will, but may only target elves.

At ninth level: Elf Communication: The bladesinger may use Sending at will, but may only target Elves.

At eleventh level: Spell Channel: The bladesinger may use her sword as an additional focus for her spells. If she does she may add the enhancement bonus of the weapon to the spell's DC. She may do this a number of times per day equal to 3+Cha mod.

At thirteenth level: Reinforce the Homeland: Once per day, a bladesinger can teleport to anywhere within the Elven Nation as per Greater Teleport.

At fourteenth level: Forceful Strikes: A bladesinger becomes adept at using their force of personalilty to do more damage to their target. They can now add their cha mod to all damage rolls with their bonded sword.

At seventeenth level: Quickened Magic: Once per day, the bladesinger can cast a spell as if modified by the Quicken Spell feat. This does not increase the spell level.

At eighteenth level: Improved Spell Channel: When the bladesinger uses her spell channel ability, if they have personally seen their target harm an elf or the elven homeland, or if they have incontrovertible proof they have done so, they double the bonus they receive from their spell channel.

At nineteenth level: Instant Communication: The bladesinger elf communication now only requires a free action to activate.

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