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Blood and Space: Adventures in Deep Space


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Ranger REG said:
I believe that GOO and Atlas Games called dibs on the mecha rules products, besides the Poly magazine version.

Atlas Games? Did I miss this announcement? Thought DP9 maybe...but Atlas?

Thread Hijack over...please go about your business as usual...


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Vigilance said:

On your other point, I disagree. I think the beauty of the d20 rules and the current OGL climate is that there is no standard rules set for *anything*.

Multiple products in the same genre make the game better, not worse, in my opinion,


since you have multiple sources to borrow from.


If DP9 had made their own set of rule instead of using the d20 Mecha rules by GoO, I would have bought only one book, based on the reviews of both GoO and DP9 products.

Borrowing between different set of rules is difficult: i.e. their is almost no synergie between sea of blood and the rules for ships, in Dragon magazine, you use one or the other.

The advantage is that you can use the best one (i.e. Sea of Blood in this case).

For genre that can support more than one supplement, this is all good, but for Mecha, which is a subset of the anime fan, a subset among the scifi fan, which is a subset of the RPG market...

This allow us customer to have better support, in this case two different books instead of two books on the same subject.

That's one of the things Blood and Space was designed to do. Although I think it would work as a set of rules on its own, its really intended to be added piecemeal to the game you already play.

The question is: how much overlap is there with supplement like imperial supply for Dragonstar?

Ranger REG

NeghVar said:

Atlas Games? Did I miss this announcement? Thought DP9 maybe...but Atlas?
My bad. It is DP9, not Atlas. They will published a d20 Mecha Compendium, that will feature d20 game stats of all DP9-owned mecha designs.

The product's rules material are to be based on GOO's d20 Mecha core rules.



When you say any sci-fi game, do you mean anywhere from Star Trek to Space 2001 type games? Will it be a useful supplement for T20: The Traveller's Handbook?


I think with the classes, skills, feats and prestige classes, it will be a useful supplement for any scifi game, traveller included :)

As for Star Trek, this game is definitely suitable for Star Trek. One of my goals, aside from providing a book useful to the major scifi games out there (Star Wars, Dragonstar, and T20), was to provide a rules set for Homebrews of your own design, including very popular universes unlikely to be given an official d20 treatment any time in the near future (read- Star Trek).

You will definitely pick up a Trekker vibe from this book :)

Ranger REG

Well, my Trekker vibes revolves around brutally ruthless yet honorable warrior societies like Klingons. But I guess gamers are wanting to know if cybernetics rules are also included for playing a Borg-like race hell-bent on assimilating less advanced civilizations.


Well... were I writing a book about Aliens... influences like the Borg and Klingons would definitely show up. However, this is a book about Space Combat.

SO... in THIS book my vibe represents itself as rules to build starships... to modify them to carry Labs, Sick Bays, Marines, Fighters, Alien Contact Specialists and so on.

It also has detailed crew rules, letting you know what you can do with a several hundred person, capital-ship crew. You can recruit them, train them, make them really good, and give them orders in combat, allowing you to use a really BIG ship to the max.

An Alien book is actually on my "to do" list for the near future as a follow up to this one. However, this books focuses on spaceships. How to build them. How to modify them. How to equip them with weapons and shields. How to crew them. How to fly them.


Ranger REG

One more question, and this comes from my stint as a Star Fleet Battles gamer: does it includes mass combat/boarding party rules? If I can teleport a boarding party to take control of one of my enemy ship's key control systems or simply disable it, I would love to have that as an option.

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