D&D 5E Book bag!

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I would make the required reading time 1 hour, which can be included in a short or long rest.

I would also limit it to 1d4 books per day. Giving advantage on 2d6 skills for a day seems like a lot. And maybe add that a character can only benefit from one book per day.

Maybe a small chance for one of the following effects:
  • the book is gibberish
  • the “book” turns out to be a scroll containing one randomly-determined spell
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Satchel of Books: Wondrous Item (Rare) Requires Attunement
This simple leather bookbag holds a library of knowledge. Random books can be pulled from the collection held within. Over time, the owner can pull specific books that help with tasks at hand. This item has the following powers:

At-Will: The owner can pull a book from the collection. This tends to be a reading book or a subject book on one of the Intelligence skills such as History or Nature. These tend to be random but adds to the owner's ability to pick a specific book later on.

2/day: The owner can pull a specific book for the task at hand. Using this knowledge, the owner or an ally within 30ft can gain advantage on a skill check. Once per day, you can regain one use of this ability after a Short Rest.

1/day: The owner can pull knowledge directly from the satchel and use it to boost spellcasting. Use one of the following options.
You can cast any spell from the Wizard spell list of level 1-3.
You can cast any spell you have prepared as if using a spell slot one higher than normal.

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