Release Bow Before Me - A collection of ranger subclasses

This supplement contains three new subclasses for the Ranger, fully compatible with the basic rules for 5e.
Each conclave is designed to embody a particular theme, while bringing exciting options to your gaming table. These are:

  • Arboreal Rangers, who invite the plant world into their bodies and souls. They root themselves in the earth to become an immovable bulwark against their foes.
  • Bounty Hunters, who take up the hunt against other intelligent life. Studious of their prey, they can bring in any target dead or alive.
  • Toxophilites, who are unparalleled marksmen with their specialist weapons. They are masters of a range of unique shots to bring death from afar.
Currently on a launch sale on and drivethruRPG for 20% off!

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