This is my tentative working draft. I would be delighted in some feedback, especially from people familiar with both systems.
EDIT: The radiation resistance ties into a homebrew rule set; probably best to ignore it for now.
Level --- Prof --- Min HD --- Features
1 --- +2 --- 5 --- Armor/weapon proficiencies, language, save proficiencies
2 --- +2 --- 7 --- Radiation resistance, skill proficiencies
3 --- +2 --- 9 --- ASI/Feat, language
4 --- +2 --- 11 --- Additional skill, expertise
5 --- +3 --- 13 --- Extra attack, gamma boost, language
6 --- +3 --- 15 --- Additional tool, ASI/Feat
7 --- +3 --- 17 --- Additional skill, gamma boost, language
8 --- +3 --- 18 --- ASI/Feat, expertise, superhuman potential
HD Gain: If you have no more than the indicated number of HD, you increase your Hit Dice until you have the minimum for your level. These HD follow Gamma World rules (either d6 or d8, no Con bonus).
Armor/Weapon Proficiencies: You have proficiency in simple and martial weapons, as well as light and medium armor and shields. You also have proficiency in technological weapons and armor of up to your native culture's tech level.
Language: You learn a language of your choice that you have been exposed to.
Save Proficiencies: Choose one of the following ability scores and gain proficiency in saves using that ability: Dex, Con, or Wis. Then do the same with one of the following ability scores: Str, Int, or Cha.
Radiation Resistance: Your constant exposure to radiation in your native plane has left you better able to withstand the ravages of radiation. You gain the following benefits.
- Whenever you gain RADs, you gain 2 fewer than you otherwise would.
- You must accumulate 10 RADs in one round or 20 RADs in a 10 minute period to suffer from mild radiation sickness, and you must accumulate 25 RADs in one round or 50 RADs in a ten minute period to suffer from severe radiation sickness.
- If you are a pure strain human, your radiation threshold doubles, and you never gain mutations.
- If you are a humanoid, a mutant animal, or a mutant plant, instead of the normal long term effects of radiation, you are affected as follows:
- Threshold +20: Gain 1 level of exhaustion
- Threshold +30: Gain 1 level of exhaustion, gain one mutation from Gamma World
- Threshold +40: Gain 2 levels of exhaustion, gain one mutation from Gamma World
- Threshold +50: Gain one mutation from Gamma World
- Threshold +70 (and per +20 thereafter): Gain one mutation from Gamma World
- Threshold x 8: Death.
Skill Proficiencies: At second level,you gain proficiency in three skills of your choice.
ASI/Feat: At third level, and again at 6th and 8th, you take a feat, increase an ability score by 2, or increase two ability scores by 1.
Additional Skill: At fourth level, and again at 7th,you gain an additional skill proficiency.
Expertise: At fourth level, choose one skill or tool you are proficient in. You gain Expertise in that skill or tool. At 8th level, you choose another skill or tool and gain expertise in it.
Extra Attack: Beginning at 5th level, when you take the Attack action, you may make two attacks.
Gamma Boost: At 5thlevel, your post-apocalyptic physiology demonstrates your ability to evolve and adapt. You gain one of the following benefits. At 7th level, you gain another gamma boost. You can take the same boost twice (and Pure Strain Humans must).
- If you are a Pure Strain Human, increase each of your ability scores by 1, and your maximums for each score by 2. In addition, whenever you make an Int check, you add 1d4 to the check. If you take this option twice, this increases to 1d6.
- If you are a Humanoid, Mutant Animal, or Mutant Plant, choose one of the following options.
- Choose a mutation you have that deals damage measured in dice. When you use that mutation, you can increase the damage by a number of dice equal to your proficiency bonus. These are d10s if the mutation affects one target or d6s if it affects more than one target. Once you use this ability, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again. If you take this feature twice, you must take it for a different mutation each time.
- Choose one of your mutations that has a duration. Double the duration of that mutation. If you take this feature twice, you must take it for a different mutation each time.
- Choose one of your mutations that has a use limit. Double the number of available uses. If you take this feature twice, you must take it for a different mutation each time.
- Choose one of your mutations that requires an action to activate. You can use it as a bonus action once. You must complete a short or long rest before you can do so again, but you don't gain extra uses of the mutation because of this feature. If you take this feature twice, you may take it for a different mutation each time, or you may take it to gain a second use of the same mutation as a bonus action.
- Your natural armor increases by 3. You can figure your AC using the following formula: 10 + natural armor + Dex bonus.
- You increase two ability scores by 2.
AdditionalTool: At sixth level, you gainan additional tool proficiency.
SuperhumanPotential: At eighth level,your maximum in all Ability Scores increases by 2.