Broken things errata'ed, July 2009


Rain of Blows, Righteous Rage of Tempus, Battlerager Vigor, Dual Strike, Guileful Switch, Dwarf Stoneblood and Improved Vigor all get a nerf.


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I am officially shocked at how close some of those are to what I'd considered. RRoT is nowhere close, but BRV, Dual Strike, Guileful Switch, etc dead on.

Verra interesting.


Mind giving some capsule summaries for those trapped behind a filter?


Righteous Rage of Tempus ued to turn an attack in to a crit, now it adds crit bonus damage, or maximizes the crit bonus damage if the attack was in fact a crit.

Rain of Blows no longer deals ability score bonus damage (just W damage), and the wording is cleaned up to remove some of the previous ambiguity, and it does in fact add a third attack for it's "special" if you meet the required ability score and weapon type.

I don't have Martial Power handy to compare the other 5 changes to the originals. But, battlerage vigor seems to not stack anymore (or am i just remembering something wrong?) and 2 of the changes seem to relate to feats that granted temp hit points as well.

Disclaimer: I really am just giving a very boiled-down version of the changes. Please read the actual thing when you get a chance rather than basing things on the few words I wrote here :)


First Post
RoB still reads as 2 attacks, but the weapon line now says if you are using the requisite weapon type and have dex 15 make a third attack. So it's clearly 3 attacks now.

GS is a free action with the requirement that you use it at the beginning of your turn before anything else. You and the ally switch initiative order and your turn ends.


First Post
Battlerager Vigor now triggers on YOU hitting with melee and close, rather than being hit. Invigorating powers no longer stack for you, instead they give THP if you miss.


First Post
These fixes look perfect. Good job WotC!

I can't see anything wrong with them and they fix everything about fighters that I can think of that I've been looking to fix.

Rain of Blows
Attack: Strength vs. AC, two attacks
Hit: 1[W] damage.
Weapon: If you’re wielding a flail, a light blade, or a spear
and have Dexterity 15 or higher, make the attack a third
time against either the target or a different creature.

Dual Strike
Primary Attack: Strength vs. AC (main weapon)
Hit: 1[W] damage.
Effect: on a hit Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: One creature other than the primary
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC (off-hand weapon)
Hit: 1[W] damage.

Other changes, Rage of Tempest you must use before an attack and adds your crit dice as extra damage on a hit, maximizes it on a crit.

Dwarven stoneblood gives you a +2, +4, +6 to invigorating temp hp now.

Also nice is battlerage temp hp now do not stack. You simply add them to what a power normally gives you when you use the power. Also invigorating powers now grant temp hp to battlerage fighters on a miss.

looking over it again dual strike was nerfed really hard, but I suppose the ability to mark two enemies at will is pretty nice. I'm still okay with it.
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Crazy stuff! These look like good fixes, but wow. Some major changes here!

I think it's clear WotC is paying attention to the forae.


What is the functional change of Dual Strike? That you have to attack two different foes?
Seems a good, "defender-like" change. YOu get two marks for the price of one attack. :)

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