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Build a Better Halberdier

Jack of Shadows

First Post
Hey Folks,

I have an idea for a new character but I was curious how you would build a solid Halberdier? I have access to most WotC books and the Dragon Compendium. What class, PrC, and feats would you recommend to get the most out of the Halberd?


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Staff member
I don't have my books in front of me...Halbard is a reach weapon, right?

If so:

1) My past 2 successful polearm wielders were both multiclassed Monks. With Pole fighter from DCv1 and a high dex, you'll get to do a LOT of AoOs and/or keep enemies from closing quickly enough to disrupt party actions.

2) The Kensai PrCl is a great one for a pole fighter. It lets you boost a weapon's enchantments AND it provides a triggered +8 class bonus to Str.

3) The Power Attack feat tree is just as effective with a Halbard as any other 2hd weapon. If your PC has a high dex as well, those AoOs at reach will be that much more devastating.

4) Deft Opportunist adds +4 to AoO attack rolls. This makes your threatened area that much more threatening.

5) Ignore the various feats (from DCv1, PHB II, etc.) that allow you to choke up- you're better off with the ones that increase your reach and using IUC, Armor spikes, and/or allies to take care of the foes who get inside your reach.

6) Find a way to increase your PC's size and damage output. The Enlarge or Righteous Might spells boost size & strength, the psionic power Expansion does the same but provides a 2 size class boost. Powerful Build or Monkey Grip get your weapon's base damage up a size as well. Finally, if you're in Forgotten Realms, check out the Magic of Faerun book for magical Gold or Platinum weapons- they cost a feat to use, yes, but again, they boost a weapon's base damage up a class. A PC using a PB or MG with a Gold Halberd and a size boosting power will be dropping multiple dice of base damage on whatever they hit.

7) Another spell that could be of use to you is Whirling Blade. A 2nd level spell, it lets you use an edged weapon as if it were enchanted with the Throwing and Returning enchantments, but with the additional benefits of the weapon ALWAYS returning to the wielder's hands and it affects all targets in its area of effect at your highest BAB (plus you use whatever stat gets you the highest attack bonus- either Str or the casting stat).

Also, in case they don't see your thread, check out other responses from other boardmembers in this thread (http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=213524).
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First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
I don't have my books in front of me...Halbard is a reach weapon, right?

Wrong. Strangely, it isn't.

What level, point buy, book sources, etc are we working with here?

The halberd has two special abilities: (1) it does double damage when set against a charge and (2) you can use it to make trip attacks. It can also do both piercing and slashing damage, for what that's worth.

You want Improved Trip. That means you want Combat Expertise and Int 13 (at least).

You'll also probably want Power Attack, since halberds are two-handed.

Leveraging an Intelligence bonus, you might want to consider Warblade or Duskblade.

Warblade might be particularly nice. I think that some Stone Dragon maneuvers would probably work well with setting your weapon against a charge.


There's a weapon style feat in complete warrior that gives you an extra attack with the butt end of your halberd... and I think, somewhere, there is a feat that will allow you to use a halberd as a reach weapon.



Staff member
Its still technically a polearm, though, so much of what I suggested still works, especially the part about the Kensai.

Kensai requires Combat Expertise as a prerequisite feat, as well as ranks in Ride, Concentration, and Diplomacy. Besides WeapFocus & a lawful alignment, that's mostly it, for a pretty good payoff. Paladins, both kinds of Samurai and a few other classes can qualify for the PrCl by 5th level.

And again, check out the Feats that add reach- they work whether or not the polearm already has reach or not.


Jack of Shadows said:
Hey Folks,

I have an idea for a new character but I was curious how you would build a solid Halberdier? I have access to most WotC books and the Dragon Compendium. What class, PrC, and feats would you recommend to get the most out of the Halberd?


Blackdirge Publishing has Halbadier prestige class in their Master at Arms series. I thought it was great, and filled the traditional historical role very well. Worth a look.



I once restatted the iconic Darkhagard from LGJ, which is a harpoon-spear wielding Rhennee (gypsy) boatman PrC. It has some nice class abilities related to the Darkha.

Valkrys Hurth turned out a male human[Rhennee] Rog2/Ftr4/Darkhagard10 with the following feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(darkha), Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Leadership, Spinning Darkha Style*, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(darkha). (* I adapted the Spinning Halberd style feat from CW)

His darkha had a rope of entaglement attached to it, his secondary weapon is a humble +1 dagger of sublety in a scabbard of keen edge worn in a boot sheath.

A what the hell here are my incomplete jumbled notes complete with round by round tactics and dirty tricks:

[b]Valkrys Hurth[/b]
male human[Rhennee] Rog2/Ftr4/Darkhagard10; CR 16; Medium sized Humanoid (5 ft. 9 inches tall); HD 2d6+14d10+32 (116hp); Init +7 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (+3 armour, +4 deflection, +1 insight, +3 dex) [up to +2 dodge bonuses more with dodge feat and spinning darkha style, and +3 more when fighting defensively]; 
Base Atk. +15, Grp. +19; 

Full Atk. +24/+19/+14 melee (1d8+6 +1d6 electricity, +3 shock darkha) and +14 melee(1d6+2(+2spec?)nonlethal +1d6 electricity, the darkha's butt), 
or +22/+18/+13, +20/+15 TWF,  no magic bonus with butt?
or  ranged (darkha)

SQ Darkha mastery 1, darkha mastery 2, prone fighting, sneak attack +1d6, superior weapon focus;
SQ evasion, hold breath, increased range, improved swim, instand stand, trapfinding, water tracking;

AL NE(N); SV Fort +11+2+4, Ref +7+3+4, Wil +4+2+0+4; 

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wil 11, Cha 8. (35 pt buy)
Str 18, Dex 16 
Str 18  +2boots Con 16 ? +4: str,str,(dex, dex, con?)

[b]Skills & Feats:[/b] (60+84=144 with int 16!)
Balance +5+3+2syn, Bluff +9-1 MORE!!!(only 5r non-cc!!!), Climb +3+3 (+8 with rope), Diplomacy -1+4syn, Disguise +5-1 (+2 acting),Escape Artist +6+3 (+2 escaping from ropes), Forgery +5+2, Gather Information +4-1, Hide +2+3, Intimidate +12-1+2syn, Jump +5+3+2syn, Knowledge(geography) +10+2 max out???, Knowledge(nature) +3int+2syn, Perform(weapon drill) -1 (+8 half BAB), Profession[boater] +11-1, Sense Motive +6-1(only 5r non-cc!!!), Spot +19-1, Survival +5-1 (cc) (+6 to avoid getting lost), Swim +19+3, Tumble +5+3+2syn, Use Rope +12+3; 

Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(darkha), Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Leadership, Spinning Darkha Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(darkha);  (You might want to give him Blind-Fight instead of Improved Feint)

[b]Possessions:[/b] (260,000gp PC wealth)
"name for the weapon" (+3 distance shocking darkha ) made completely out of steel	(50,000gp+), 
rope of entanglement (attached to the darkha, worn wound around his arms and chest)	(21,000gp)
Golden Girdle of Urnst (a [i]sash of armour +3[/i])				( 9,000gp)
earring of protection +4 							(32,000gp)
earring of resistance +4                                                                     (16,000gp)
bandana of insight (+1 insight bonus to AC as the ioun stone) (and lowlight vision)	( 5,000gp)+cost of LV
boots of balance (Dex +2, +5 competence bonus to balance checks)	( 6,500gp)
scabbard of keen edges							(16,000gp)
+1 dagger of subtlety [+5/+5 when sneak attacking]  (worn in boot sheath) 	(22,310gp)
hollow boot heel containing four pearls (500gp each), small pouch containing 55gp, and a tortoise shell scroll case containing a map of the Isles of Woe. 

Hasty Barge of the Nyr Dyv ???gp !

Fighting Tactics:
He fights with the Darkha in two hands, full dodge bonus (+1 from dodge, +1 from Spinning Darkha style), possibly fighting defensively (-4 attacks/+3 AC due to tumble skill). He often feints (as a move action, unless he needs to move farther than 5 ft or wants to full attack) and if he succeeds or if the opponent is still flat-footed he gains +1d6 sneak attack damage. The Darkha is considered to have 10 ft. reach and is also usable on adjacent foes. He can trip opponents up to 20 ft. away! Being tripped himself doesn't concern him much as he can get back up with Instand Stand as a free action. He will thus almost never drop the Darkha to avoid being tripped. Even if he can't get back up somehow he can fight on normally with Prone Fighting. Note that it can also be thrown and (probably) hauled back with the rope. If he does not want to kill the opponent he can use the blunt haft of the Darkha and inflict only subdual damage with only a -2 penalty.

0th Round: 
Possibly a ranged attack with the Darkha. But only if he is reasonably sure that he won't be disarmed and can haul the Darkha back by the rope. Even if he is disarmed he can still command the rope to entangle the opponent (standard action) and close in drawing his dagger (move action) and pick up the Darkha next round if he can (move action), use it (standard action) and take a five foot step back.(goto 3B)

1st Round: 
When his opponent is appr. 20 ft away he feints a throw and then attempts a trip (melee touch attack) with the Darkha (up to 20ft range for trip). 

2nd Round:
A: If the trip attempt suceeded he closes with a move action and standard attacks the prone opponent. When the opponent gets up he gets an AoO which he can use to trip again or attack!
B: If the trip did not suceed he feints again, waiting for his opponent to close in and has a standard attack and an AoO from reach (10ft.) which he uses to try another trip with the Darkha (melee touch attack) and/or attack. 

3rd Round: 
A: If he succeeded in tripping he takes a five foot step (if needed) and full attacks (either with TWF gaining 5 attacks or with the Spinning Darkha style which gives him 4). When the opponent gets up he gets an AoO which he can use to trip again or attack!
B: If the 2nd trip attempt does not succeed he is wary. He full attacks fighting defensively (-4 attacks/ +3 AC due to tumble) and thereafter takes a 5 foot step back to profit from his reach again next round. 

Dirty Tricks: 
-He can command the rope of entanglement to entangle an opponent up to 20ft away (preferably a prone opponent) as a standard action. 
-If he knows he will sneak attack he uses the dagger which grants a bigger bonus when sneak attacking 
-When knife-fighting he can also intersperse unarmed (or other) attacks with his offhand. (This doesn't provoke AoO or does it?)

[b]Design Notes:[/b] I had to give him another level of Rogue to qualify for the prestige class, which has a prerequisite of BAB +5. It rounds the character out nicely, with more skill points and evasion sure doesn't hurt too. Also I didn't like his base stats and inspired by the picture in the article, I gave him more Str and Con and a little less Dex (with the same point buy worth).

If you want to use character Concepts from the Quintessential Class books by Mongoose Publishing I suggest the following for Valkrys:

Rogue concept: [b]Outlaw[/b] [Survival is a class skill, -2 on Diplomacy checks vs. those of higher social station. When entering a city he must make a disguise check (DC 10 +level) or be recognized and apprehended by a bounty hunter (within +/-1d4 levels).]

Fighter concept: [b]Marine[/b] [+1 competence to Balance, +1 to attack rolls if aboard a ship, Use Rope is a class skill. None of these apply if he uses a two-handed melee weapon or is carrying a shield or heavy armour. Looses shield and heavy armour proficiencies.]

He would thus gain 5 more skill points (from Survival no longer being cross-class) to be put into other skills. The Marine concept's effects would only apply if he doesn't use the darkha.

New Feat:

[b]Spinning Darkha [Style][/b] (adapted from the Spinning Halberd Style in Complete Warrior)
You have mastered the style of fighting with a darkha, and can use all parts of the weapon - blade, or butt - to strike devastating blows.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(Dharka).
Benefit: When you make a full attack with your darkha, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armour Class as well as an additional attack with the weapon at a -5 penalty. This attack deals points of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 +1/2 your Strength modifier.
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IMC a (warlock) member of the Royal Geographic Society (RGS) waded into combat with three halberds from Stone to Steel - instead of an spike on the back, they had a hammer head (d6 bludgeoning) it could be used to stab with the point as well (1d4 piercing), or the standard Axe head 1d10 slashing. It was either/or not a double or triple weapon.

The axe head was cold iron, the hammer silvered and the spike was admantium (or plain wood) he also carried scrolls of Align weapon, Greater magic weapon, and Animate Object.

He had the three weapons color coded and labled "magic" "holy" and "control"
Although he was killed & eaten by demons, his notes and one of the three weapons were recovered by companions. A successful mission by RGS standards.


The Halberd is really a Poleaxe in D&D drag.

Good feats include

Long Poleaxe (uses same feats as Halberd)
Close fighting
Improved Trip
Weapon Specialization
Combat Reflexes
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus
Spinning halberd Style (+1 Dodge to AC, + an extra attack)
Power Attack
Haft Strike
Pike Hedge
Pole Balance
Circle Student

If you are a jump oriented guy Leap Attack and Pole Vault

You can mix in some Fighter and Warblade and go to town with it.


First Post
First, the character needs to work on his forearm and wrist strength so he can use the halberd one-handed (possibly represented by a feat to give it reach).

Second, the character needs to get a girlfriend. Whether or not the girlfriend dual-wields maces is up to you.

Third, find the fastest horse in the land and paint it red to make it go faster.

Fourth, get some mounted combat feats so you can hack your way through the enemy army faster than they can say "It's Lu Bu! RUN!!" :)


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