Kickstarter BURN 2d6 - Rules lite RPG Pre-Launch on Kickstarter


Hello Folks - My BURN 2d6 has play-tested incredibly well! The pamphlet version is "pay what you want" on On February 10th the BURN 2d6 Core Rulebook Kickstarter will open, the pre-launch is open now with more than 50 folks following the project. The BURN mechanic is a sacrifice mechanic implemented in a unique way (the pamphlet will give you a taste of it). If you enjoy rules lite mechanics and want to support indie creators, please follow the project using the link in this post to click to be notified on launch. On launch there will be limited early bird discounts, including a $25 pledge that gets you the PDF and the hardcopy (fulfilled June 2023). So, help me cruise past 100 folks following! Thank you. - Kevin (SaltheartRPG)
Coming soon: BURN 2d6 Core Rulebook -- an indie rpg system

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Bump for using Creative Commons and finding a worthwhile use for business cards! character dies if I roll too high?
Hi -- the BURN mechanic works like this. You have 4 stats, values from 4 to 12. To achieve anything that is challenging or contested you have to make a 2d6 action roll. Roll under your stat and you succeed. Tie, partial success. Roll higher and what you are attempting fails. You can improve your odds by taking a BURN to the stat, removing a d6 from the roll. You can take BURN equal to your stat. Of course some rolls can be as high as 5d6. Equipment gives you advantages and a renewable Surge mechanic allows you to remove a d6 without taking BURN. Check out the pamphlet rules on, they are pay what you want Let me know if this answer helps.


Well, I was able to get a friend of a friend to put this video together for me to support my Kickstarter. And, just wanted to say that I also received some feedback from a person who ran BURN 2d6 at a con in the UK... they said it was unbelievably good. So, why? The game mechanics work together in a way that no other game system does. Since releasing the pamphlet, which gives but a small taste of the mechanics, I have been able to fully build out the core rules. Playtesting has been phenomenal. Seriously, sign up for the prelaunch, back at a low level to just get the PDF, you will not regret it, especially if you have an interest in rule design.

Check this out...


Moving along in pre-launch followers, hit 92 and still pushing for 100. So why should anyone pledge? The game system that I designed and have playtested, and has been playtested by others, seems to have struck on a concordance of game mechanics that just work from action rolls, to they way players take damage, to character progression. To be sure, this is a game in the rules lite category. There is complexity in there, and the adaptations for each of the included 4 settings really makes the flexibility of the system clear. Want to get a taste of what I am talking about? Check out the free pamphlet on, it'll give you at least a taste of what I'm talking about.

Testing a QR code.... a lot bigger than I thought it would render here!!!! Ok, fixed that....


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Guide of Modos
Hi -- the BURN mechanic works like this. You have 4 stats, values from 4 to 12. To achieve anything that is challenging or contested you have to make a 2d6 action roll. Roll under your stat and you succeed. Tie, partial success. Roll higher and what you are attempting fails. You can improve your odds by taking a BURN to the stat, removing a d6 from the roll. You can take BURN equal to your stat. Of course some rolls can be as high as 5d6. Equipment gives you advantages and a renewable Surge mechanic allows you to remove a d6 without taking BURN. Check out the pamphlet rules on, they are pay what you want Let me know if this answer helps.
That, plus another look at the rules helped. Thanks. More questions though:

With only the space of a business card to work with, why add range difficulties? I'd think the basic difficulties would already do the trick.

In a similar vein, why is there a death rule? If a PC would get more +1d6 penalties for each stat that Burns out, there's not really a need for a death rule. I might try using that space on the card for a healing rule instead (beyond GM decides).


That, plus another look at the rules helped. Thanks. More questions though:

With only the space of a business card to work with, why add range difficulties? I'd think the basic difficulties would already do the trick.

In a similar vein, why is there a death rule? If a PC would get more +1d6 penalties for each stat that Burns out, there's not really a need for a death rule. I might try using that space on the card for a healing rule instead (beyond GM decides).
In playing it with folks, range was questioned, and so ranges were added into the rules. You just get one +1d6 difficulty, two stats BURNed and that's is it for your PC. Two BURNed stats seems to be the right number before a PC is incapacitated. In play tests, the element of danger remains present and the penalties do not become a death spiral. In the Core Rules on Kickstarter, there is a Recovery mechanic that can occur mid-session or between sessions. In the Myth & Magic setting there is a true healing mechanic. Like many of the setting-specific rules, the healing mechanic is modular and could be taken and applied to any setting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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