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Burning Heretics OOC

Jack of Tales

First Post
Okay. Bihlbo, you're in.Your pc could either have been upstairs, asleep or out doing some miscellaneous task for Sandy or Vincent. We'll wait to see if the paladin posts by tomorrow, if not I'll pick the fifth player then.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
I just must say that in melee my warlock can do up to 4d6+3 points of damage. Its too good to be truth, I didn't pay much attention to that invocation, but its really worthy when you don't have more than one attack each round.


Thanks! I'll work Smoothy in ASAP.

Yeah Voda, warlocks can really dish some damage when they hit. I thought about making one of those to try it out. Instead, I'm going the tank route. Smoothy is meant to be the guy who protects the warlock so you can do the damage. :D


Guest 11456

Judge Felidae : Ahl’Artathi Paladin 3

Here is my final cut at my Ahl’Artathi Paladin character. Background and equipment are now complete:

[sblock]Name: Felidae
Race: Ahl’Artathi
Class: Paladin
Level: 3
Guild: The Judges of Hand

Gender: Female
Height: 5'-0"
Weight: 100#
Age: 14

STR 10 (+0) [2 points]
DEX 16 (+3) [10 points]
CON 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 race]
INT 8 (-1) [0 points]
WIS 14 (+2) [6 points]
CHA 20 (+5) [16 points, +2 race]

Racial Ability: Low-Light Vision, Natural Attack 2-Claws 1d6 each.

Class Abilities: Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/Day, Divine Grace, Lay On Hands 15, Aura Of Courage, Divine Health.

Hit Dice: 3d10
HP: 25
AC: 16/17/18* (10 base, +3 Dex, +3 Armor, [+1/+2 shield])
Armor Check Penalty: +0
Init: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
* Normal: 16, Two Weapons: 17, Two Weapons & Fighting Defensively: 18

Fort +8 (+3 base, +0 Con, +5 Divine Grace)
Ref +9 (+1 base, +3 Dex, +5 Divine Grace)
Will +8 (+1 base, +2 Wis, +5 Divine Grace)

BAB: +3
MAB: +3
RAB: +6

+1 Scimitar (+4, 1-H, 1d6+1, 18-20/x2, S)
+1 Kukri (+4, Light, 1d4+1, 18-20/x2, S)
Longbow (+6, Ranged, 1d8, x3, 100’, P)
Claw (+3, Light, 1d6, x2, S)

Two-Weapon Fighting (1st level)
Two-Weapon Defense (3rd level)

Languages: Common & Mrur

Balance +9 (0 ranks, +3 Dex, +6 race)
Diplomacy +11 (6 ranks, +5 Cha)
Hide +5/+9* (0 ranks, +3 Dex, +2/+6* race)
Move Silently +5/+9* (0 ranks, +3 Dex, +2/+6* race)
* In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth

Traveler's Outfit (worn)
Judge Badge & Leather Cord (neck)
MW Studded Leather Armor (175gp, 20#, worn)
Justice [+1 Scimitar] (2315gp, 4#, belt)
Law [+1 Kukri] (2308gp, 2#, belt)
Longbow (75gp, 3#, back)
20 Arrows (1gp, 3#, back)
Belt Pouch (1gp, 0.5#, belt)
Treasure (26gp, 0.5#, pouch)
Annual Offering (100gp)
Total (5000gp, 33#)

Current Load: 33# (light load: 33#)

Felidae is the youngest of five cubs from the union of Krotonus and Asurae of the Goorthom clan. The Goorthom clan is one of the few communities of Ahl’Artathi in the islands where a large number of Artathi of all types live. Krotonus was a sorcerer of great respect within the Goorthom clan community and Asurae was a respected alchemist. As each of their five cubs came of age it was expected that they would follow in one of their parent’s footsteps. Indeed Felidae’s older siblings had done just that. Two of her older brothers had followed Krotonus down the path of the sorcerer. Her oldest brother and her older sister had followed Asurae down the path of the alchemist. But Felidae felt that her destiny was in a completely different direction all together. So, at an early age, she chose to leave her clan and travel to the mainland where she felt something pulling her supernaturally. She felt to stay would have shamed her parents and thus she left at night without waking her family.
She booked passage for herself on a merchant ship heading to the mainland and while on the voyage found that she had insight into law that she had never tapped into. Aboard the ship two of the crew had a dispute that the captain could not resolve. Seeing a problem arising as the crew took sides, Felidae offered to help the captain out by helping resolve the issue. She had no idea why she had offered to help or how she would do so. She gathered the crew together and had the two men present their cases. Then she thought about the circumstances and judged the result. Finally she presented the solution as well as how she came to that solution. The entire crew was in agreement and as the meeting was concluding the captain told her that she would make a great judge of hand. He had never seen such a natural skill in the art of justice. When she finally disembarked at the mainland, Captain Durlag had given her the directions she needed to find ‘The Judges of Hand’ in Northern Dormithar and a letter of recommendation from him.
After traveling for some time she had at last made it to the guild hall of ‘The Judges of Hand’ where she made a petition to join. The current head of the guild, Judge Gorion, at first scoffed at the idea of the young Ahl’Artathi’s petition. But once he had heard her account of her dealings on the ship and read the letter of recommendation from Captain Durlag he had no choice but to accept her petition. Apparently Captain Durlag had been a great judge in his younger years but had lost the ability as he aged. The guild leader informed Felidae of this and told her of several stories of the great Judge Durlag before he became a ship’s captain. Because of his previous exploits as a judge Felidae was admitted as if Durlag had been an active member.
For her first task she had to fast for three days in the temple and await a vision from the Hand. On the third day she received such a vivid vision that she doubted its authenticity. But when she told Judge Gorion of her vision he smiled and nodded. He told her that although Durlag was no longer a judge he was still a good judge of the ability. Gorion told Felidae that she was well on her way to becoming a judge. For her second task she had to determine ten cases while being graded by a board of three active judges. Gorion headed the board and he was amazed at the swiftness and accuracy of Felidae’s decisions. At last came the final task of hear oath to the judges. Once complete she became one of the youngest judges ever of the guild. She at last had her own badge which carried the might of the judges for exacting justice.
Judge Gorion, seeing her as an asset to the judges sent her to the west toward Keldon. She was to go to Redtol to support the judges there. But before she left Judge Gorion made a gift of two magical blades. Law a kukri of exceptional quality and Justice a well made scimitar with the symbol of the judges on the blade. Once in Redtol she looked for a group to join, for there is safety in numbers. She happened upon the Redtol Wyverns but took an immediate short leave of absence. As a judge living abroad she is expected to make an annual offering of 100 gold pieces to a church dedicated to the hand. Feeling that the funds would be better used in a smaller community, she decided to travel to a nearby town with a modest temple to the hand that she past on the way to Redtol. She is due back any time now...[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ok ... here is my character submission...sorry it took so long...one roomate said we had no magic item comp, and the other said we did...had trouble finding it, but found the copy!

I think he is ready for approval!

work in progress
[b]str[/b]   12   +1   4 pt     rogue 2/sorcerer 1     cl 3
[b]dex[/b]   15   +2   8 pt     hp:19      exp: 3000
[b]con[/b]   14   +2   6 pt     bab:+1     grapp: +2
i[b]nt[/b]   15   +2   8 pt     Init: +6
[b]wis[/b]   12   +1   4 pt  
[b]chr[/b]   15   +2   8 pt

[b][u]COMBAT:[/b] [/u] 

[b]SAVES:  base abil   misc  total[/b]
[u]Fort[/u]      0      +2     --      +2
[u]Reflex[/u]    3      +2     --      +5
[u]will[/u]      2      +1     --      +3


[B][U]ARMOR CLASS;[/u][/b]   15
[B][U]TOUCH[/B][/U]           13
[B][U]FLATFOOTED:[/B][/U]    12

[b]type[/b]           [b]bonus:[/b] [b]max dex:[/b] [b]sp fail:[/b] [b]ACP: [/b] [b]Mv:[/b]   [b]wt[/b]
[u]Leather armor[/u]     +2      +6        10%     -0    30     15.0 
dodge (feat)      +1
dex               +2

[u][b]              att   dam     crit   range  type[/u][/b]
[u]Rapier[/u]           +3   d6 +1   18-20/X2   ---      P
[u]Lite Cross bow[/u]   +2   d8      19-20/x2   80       P
[u]Dagger[/u]           +3   d4 +1   19-20/x2   10      P/S
[u]Mace, lite[/u]       +3   d6 +1      x2      ---      B

[b][u]SKILLS AND FEATS:[/b][/u]

Sneak attack (class)
Trap finding (class)
Evasion (class)
Practiced Spellcaster (exch for summ familiar (class))
Improved Inititive (Human)
Dodge (char lev 1)
Weapon Finesse (Char lev 3)

[u]Skill points[/u] 60

[b]SKILLS:[/b]                  Ranks Abil  misc    total
Appraise (r) int          +2     +2   --       +4
Balence (r) dex           +2     +2   --       +4
Bluff (r,S) cha           +1     +2   --       +3
Climb (r) str             +3     +1   --       +4
Conctr (S) con            +2     +2   --       +4
Craft , carving(r,S) int  +1     +2   --       +3
Dciph Script (r) int      +1     +2   --       +3
Diplomacy (r) cha         +1     +2   --       +3
Disable Dev (r) int       +4     +2   --       +6
Disguise (r) cha          +1     +2   --       +3
Esc Art (r) dex           +2     +2   --       +4
Gath info (r) cha         +2     +2   --       +4
Hide (r) dex              +4     +2   --       +6
Jump (r) str              +2     +1   --       +3
Know: Arcana (S) int      +1     +2   --       +3
Know: local (r) int       +1     +2   --       +3
Listen (r) wis            +4     +1   --       +5
Move silent (r) dex       +4     +2   --       +6
Open Locks (r) dex        +4     +2   --       +6
Search (r) int            +4     +2   --       +6
Sense Motive (r) wis      +1     +1   --       +2
Slight of Hand (r) dex    +2     +2   --       +4
Spell Craft (S) int       +1     +2   --       +3
Spot (r)wis               +4     +1   --       +5
Swim (r) str              +1     +1   --       +2
Tumble (r) dex            +4     +2   --       +6
Use Mag Dev (r) cha       +1     +2   --       +3
Use Rope (r) dex          +1     +2   --       +3

[b][u]LANGUAGES:[/b][/u] Keldonian (Beyan), Trade, Dormithien, Caven

[b][u]SPELLS:(casts spells at up to +4 levs from feat: praticed spell caster)[/u] 
Casts as third level)[/b]

[b]spells per day:       spells known:[/b]
lv 0: 5 + 1 (cha) = 6     4
lv 1: 3 + 1 (cha) = 4     2

[b]SPELL LIST:[/b]
[i]* denotes spell compendium[/i]

[u][b]0 level:[/u][/b]
Acid Splash
Disrupt Undead
*Silent Portal

[u][b]1st level:[/u][/b]
magic missle
*low light vision

[b][u]EQUIPMENT:[/b][/u]        [b]cost      weight[/b]
[i]** denotes magic item compendium[/i]

leather armor        10.00      15.0 lb

Rapier,mw, +1      2320.00       2.0
Xbow, lt             35.00       4.0
   boltws, mw x20   140.00       2.0
Dagger x3             6.00       3.0
mace, lt              5.00       4.0

Backpack              2.00       2.0
Bedroll               0.10       5.0
Flint/steel           1.0       ----
Grapple               1.0        4.0
Rope, silk (100')    20.00       5.0
rataions x7           3.50       7.0
sunrods x6           14.00       6.0
carving tools         5.00       5.0
spell comp pouch      5.00       2.0
thieve's tools, mw  100.00       2.0
whetstone             0.02       1.0
torch                 0.05       5.0 
case, scroll          1.00       0.5
explorer's oputfit    ---       ----

[u]**Armband of elusive action[/u] (M72)    800 gp  
[u]**Amulet of aquatic salvation[/u](M68)   500 gp
[u]**Boots of landing[/u](M77)              500 gp
[u]**Arcainist's gloves[/u](M72)            500 gp

[u][i][b]Cash:[/b][/u][/i]     31 gp   3 sp   3 cp

generl notes for now:

Born to a prostitute near the docks, he was mostly raised by the madamm or the house...she always taught him how to be shrewed, but also a kindness that she showed to her girls. when his mother was working the streets on night, she run afoul of some dormitian slavers who were trying to take her on a more permanant basis, killing her when she resisted fiercely. the madamm heard of the incursion and sent her own possee after them with the words, "I'll teach them filthy slavers to keep their thievin' hands off my girls!"

this pretty much started an overnight war between dormitians and this one house...he escaped when the fight was brought to his 'home' and as the building burned, he was slipped out the windo to the streets to escape...as far as he knows, he alone survived....

living off the streets as a youngster means only one occupation: thievery. food snatching that led to pickpocketing and cutpurses which led to plain street thuggery. he found a gang that dealt in those things, but once again there was competition for territory and befor he knew it there was a war going on, where all of his gang were killed or assimilated save him...once again he alone escaped...

Still needing to eat, so he started honing his skills in a more refined form of thievery: cat burgler...case a joint, raid it, sell the stuff and then eat for the first time in a week! that is untill he cased the wrong joint...that of the home and temple of Ge' Chen, sorcerer of the dragon blood (rread: dragon heratage)

this kind old man actually caught the young lad sneaking in his home while he had just sat down to a quiet evening of rice and vedgies...he followed him about his house watching how he showed the greatest respect for every thing there, with the exception of the occasionallly snached eaaasy to sell trinket. as the young Gerard was redeaying his exit, the ancient master spoke up, asking him what he wanted with the items he had taken, he answered in the only thing that came to mind: the truth. with an audible gulp, he spoke of eating, bathing and maybe some new clothing.the kind old master was wise so he invited him to joing him for food at his table. While Gerard ate and talked, the wise old master listened and watched...the bow was showning strange, yet familiar actions...while only a lit candle was all that illuminated the room Gerard was able to see even in the dimmist of light available (lo light vision)

this was only possible by the talent of a scerer like himself. He explaind many thing to gerard about what he might have experienced and invited him to stay the night...with the promise that he will let him keep the trinkets taken if he would listen to master Chen in the morning with the audince of one other. the next morning found gerard hampton under warm blankes and a roof over his head. a cup of hot tea, wam bath water soap and clean clothing were in the room as well....the smell of breakfast was just starting to reach his nostrols and that is all it took for him to geet moving.

tea drank, body washed and clean clothing donned, he waks to the commen room to find master chen and one other (none other then Wyace himself). the old master spoke of in born energies that can be shaped and called forth, that he wanted to help him under stand them and to hone his abilities and at the cost of jsut learning.Gerard was hooke...friiendships were made over time, and he actually saw the old master as his faather...over the past year Gerard has now learned how to use those energies, but the old hatred was always just under the serface...the dormithian slavers would pay someday...

General information:

learned dormithian so as to plan his revenge against the slavers who killed his mother,

learned trade from being near the docks and living on the streets,

Caven learned from the street life and from the old master both as ways to warn others phisically.

escaped the firs of his past and the cold of the lonly nights by the spell Endure elements

Last edited:


First Post
covaithe said:
We aren't completely healing free at the moment; Geraint is a decent healer. Still, more healing wouldn't hurt, even if it's just a CLW wand user. Not that we can afford a wand, since the 5000 gp starting gold seems fiendishly well calculated to produce 2 good items with almost nothing left. ;)

Ah yes, I had neglected to look at how Geraint was built. I normally see Favored Souls played just like paladins with more buff spells, so I had forgotten that they are full healers. No insult intended! :D

Jack of Tales

First Post
As much as I hate to turn anyone's character down due to how beautifully crafted they all are I decided to max out at 5 rather then step up to 6. That being said, Tailspinner, your paladin provides a small amount of healing that is needed in the party.

Scott, Voda, if you'd like I could run a duo game for you. Those are fairly easy to run, quick and you could even use the same characters. having more then 5 in one thread slows things down too much for my liking. I hate relying on that many players to post before going to the next step. Feel free to post something in the current IC thread if you want if the rest of the party looks like they will be spending some time roleplaying in the innkeep. I'll give everyone two posts before the night ends (Geraint's search for information is not included in this).

Voda, Scott I'll wait for a reply from you both before posting a seperate IC thread for you called (Over)Zealous Paladins.

Voidrunner's Codex

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