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[Burning THAC0] B2 - The Keep on the Borderlands

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First Post
Name: Ferrantos Age : 21
Concept/Bio: Vengeful Metal Artificer/ The Thyantian Bastard

A young, one-eyed man of noble bearing.

Lifepaths: Born Noble, Arcane Devotee, Lead to City Dweller, Sorcerer
Stats: Wi: B5, Pe: B4, Po: B3, Fo: B4, Ag: B4, Sp: B6, Speed Mult.: x3.5
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B6, Hes: 5, Hea: B4, MW: B9, Circles: B2, Resources: B0
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B6 Se: B7 Tr: B8 Mo: B9

-To kill Master Vide I must create a blade sharp enough to make a stone bleed. I need to find a monster with a sharp mind to use as an antecedent.
-Vellekhyr always protects me. For his sake I will only take antecedents from monsters.
-I need money badly. Now that I’m back in Karameikos, I’ll demand some from my noble half-brother Auromos.

-If I am surprised I cast "The Fear!"
-I always imbue my allies weapons in the dark. That is when I am strongest.
-If someone uses religion to justify their actions around me, I scoff.

Traits: [Dt] Mark of Privilege, [Char] Base Humility, [Dt] Gifted, [Dt] Missing Eye

Skills: Alchemy B3, Ancient Languages B2, Calligraphy B2, Enchanting B5, Persuasion B2, Read B2, Research B2, Sorcery B5, Spear B2, Symbology B2, Write B2

Affiliations: +1D w/ Nobility (Mark of Privilege).
Relationships: Master Artificer Vide (Minor, hateful/rival), Auromos, my Noble Half-Brother (Minor, immediate family)
Gear: Spear (RotM), Plated Leather Armor (RotM), Alchemy Kit, Shoes, Clothes, Travelling Gear
Spells: Call of Iron, The Fear, Shards, Eldritch Shield

Name: Aurvang
Concept/Bio: A young, but seasoned host soldier looking for adventure.
Lifepaths: Born Clansman, Delver, Lead to Dwarven Host, Foot Soldier
Age : 51
Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B4, Po: B4, Fo: B5, Ag: B4, Sp: B4, Speed Mult.: x3
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B5, Hes: 6, Hea: B6, MW: B11, Greed: B3, Circles: B2, Resources: B0
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B6 Mi: B8 Se: B9 Tr: B10 Mo: B11
Never leave a dwarf behind. Exceptions can be made for men and elves.
Battle has made me quick to anger; ale and my hammer are my only means of release.
Thror's Axe lies in the Caves of Chaos; retrieving it will make me the most renowned dwarf in the Keep.
Oath: I will find Gloi in the Caves of Chaos and take him back to Rockhome alive.
When angered or insulted I always resort to violence.
Never turn down a drink, unless it is wine.
When underground, I always use my Deep-sense to locate an exit tunnel.
Traits: [Dt] Accustomed to the Dark, [Char] Bearded, [Dt] Greed, [Dt] Oathsworn, [Dt] Shaped from Earth and Stone, [Dt] Stout, [Dt] Tough, [Dt] Deep Sense, [Char] Red-Blooded
Skills: Armor Training, Axe B3, Brawling B2, Drunking B2, Excavation B2, Foraging B2, Hammer B3, Shield Training, Tunnel-Wise B2
Relationships: Gloi, cousin and fellow host member (Minor, other family)
Gear: Dwarven-made Chainmail, Dwarven-made target shield, Hammer (RoTM), Light Axe (RoTM), Traveling Gear, Sturday Shoes, Clothes
Bare Fisted I:B2 M:B4 S:B6 Add 2 VA 0 Fast Shortest
Hammer (RoTM) I:B4 M:B8 S:B12 Add 2 VA 2 Unwieldy Long Two Handed May Great Strike
Light Axe (RoTM) I:B4 M:B7 S:B10 Add 2 VA 1 Slow Long May Great Strike
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

Lifepaths: Born Villager, Serving Wench, Lead to Religious, Pardoner
Age : 19
Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B4, Po: B3, Fo: B3, Ag: B6, Sp: B4
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B3, Hea: B3, MW: B9
Circles: B2, Resources: B1

Beliefs: The more people fear the wild, the more they need me.
I can pardon those without Faith (non-humans).
Men are fools, swayed by a pretty face.
* Dwarven secrets will increase my fame, and Aurvang, drunk, will tell me his secrets.

Instincts: Always know a way out.
When fighting starts, hide.
I take unattended small items.

Traits: [Char] Drop Dead Gorgeous, [Dt] Pardoner, [C-o] Aura of Innocence, [Char] Tidy Aspect.

Skills: Persuasion B3, Falsehood B3, Intimidation B2, Soothing Platitudes B2, Customerwise B2, Sleight of Hand B4, Boxing B3, Observation B2, Herbalism B2

Reputation: 1D with Layfolk (infamous to church, +1 Ob) (from Pardoner)
Affiliations: 1D Forgiven adventurers (many are plagued by the violence of the keep, and have sought absolution for their killing of sentient humanoids; I’ve helped them all) (10 pts)
Relationships: My sister, Vanity, is a serving wench at the Keep. She hates me. (1 pt).
Gear: Shoes, Travelling gear, Finery (7pts)
Property: Small Cottage (3 pts)


First Post
Vellekhyr Ariondánthe

Lifepaths: Born Etharch, lead to wilderness, Forrester, lead to protector, Ranger
Age: 162
Stats: Wil: B6, Per: B5, Pow: B2, For: B5, Agl: B6, Spd: B5
Attributes: Ref: B5, Steel: B6, Health: B6, MW: B9
Circles: B2, Resources: B1

  • I am the doom of my people. Finding a way to cheat my fate is more important than my honor
  • The stars have shown that my companions are the key to keeping the conflict between houses limited to human lands. I must draw them into the intrigue while watching their backs.
  • ?

  • Words are more dangerous than blades. Always consult the stars before engaging in verbal duels (of wits)
  • I f I sense physical danger use Threne of the Chameleon
  • When humans do not do as I wish, remind them, by deeds or words, that they are a race of children.

Traits: [Dt] Etharchal, [Char] Stern, [C-o for Oratory] Driven, [Char] Born Under the Silver Stars*, [Dt] Essence of the Earth*, [Char] Fair and Statuesque*, [Dt] First Born*, [Dt] Grief 6*
* denotes elven common traits

Skills: Elven Script B2, Song of Arbors B3, Observation B2, Forest-wise B2, Song of the Eldar B2, Stealthy B2, Sprinting B2, Bow B6, Lyric of Healing B3,
Threne of the Chameleon B6, Oratory B4

Reputation: 1D with Borderland forest dwellers (friend of the wood)

Affiliations: 1D with Borderland circle of spies for Cynfaen Tliel'laxu (third in line for House Tliel'laxu, a lineage with selkie blood and least loyal of the minor houses sworn to Karameikos), 1D with elven etharchs (from Etharchal)

Gear: ROTM Bow, traveling gear, elven shoes


First Post

Lifepaths: Born Noble, Lead to Religious, Temple Acolyte, Lead to Professional Soldier, Bannerman
Age : 19
Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B4, Po: B4, Fo: B4, Ag: B6, Sp: B3, Speed Mult.: x3.5
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B7, Hes: 6, Hea: B6, MW: B10, Faith: B3, Circles: B2, Resources: B0
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10

My Faith is a gift and I must not abuse it. I will only use it to heal those on the verge of death.
I must bring Gadrius the heart of a true creature of Chaos from the Caves of Chaos in order to be accepted into the Order of the Sword.
Constance is a good person but she's walking down the wrong path. It is my duty to keep her out of trouble whether she likes it or not.

Always protect a beautiful woman in danger.
Intimidate when insulted.
Always tell the truth.

Traits: [Dt] Mark of Privilege, [Dt] Tonsured, [Char] Honored, [Dt] Faithful
Skills: Armor Training, Conspicuous B3, Crossbow B3, Doctrine B3, Field Dressing B2, Intimidation B3, Oratory B2, Read B2, Spear B4

Relationships: Brother Gadrius, Ranger-priest of the Borderlands (Minor)
Gear: Chainmail, Spear (RotM), Crossbow (Poor), Shoes, Clothes., Traveling Gear
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Voidrunner's Codex

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