Calling all publishers


First Post
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you on behalf of the volunteer members of the Backara campaign setting. For those unfamiliar with the setting Backara is a low magic fantasy setting being developed for the D20 rules. The setting is totally free and is not designed to be a commercial venture as such both the writers and artists give up their time to help contribute. The main part of our work takes place in our Forums hosted by Mortality

Our current project the Backara Herald is an ongoing project to produce a monthly Ezine. This Ezine a 15 to 20 page PDF document will be freely downloaded from our site and other specifically chosen sites. The Herald will also be distributed in a small scale to selected gaming stores. The first issue will be launched on the 29th of June.

Working on feedback received and from those who have notified us of interest we estimate over 600 copies will be downloaded and printed. Obviously this is a small number however we do project an increase in the Heralds growth in the ensuing months.

Part of the Herald’s monthly line up is a competition page with one possibly two competition per page. The first competition is to be “name the world” where we ask readers to suggest names for the planets name that the Backara setting is based. Competitions are rarely entered into without prizes and this is an expense the lead volunteer group can not alone bare.

We are therefore looking for publishers who wish to advertise in the herald. While we could neither take direct sponsorship we are looking for sponsors to the monthly competitions. A sponsor would get a half page advertisement in the Herald as well as mentions through out the Backara site.

We look forward to any responses,
Ken Hod
Backara #2
Backara herald

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