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VannATLC said:
Most beasts will avoid caltrops if they can see them at all.

My dog always avoids glass she can see.. and while she does some times get splinters from glass, and once a nasty cut from a shard, it never slows her down at the time.

People don't have anywhere *near* the perceptions of beasts, though, so hidden caltrops work better.. but I'd personally go with the difficult terrain + stealth vs perception or immboilized till end of their next turn.

Yeah losing a move action is punishment and really once you know they are there you just have to move without lifting you feet. So difficult terrain if you know the are there or immobilised while you take the damn things out of your foot.

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First Post
Great ideas, I would go for the compromise

1. The target knows the caltrops are there, treat the area as difficult terrain= 2 squares to enter.

2. The target unknowingly enters a square with caltrops, the target is slowed (save ends) or slowed until end of it's next turn.

On the one side I love the slowed (save ends) because I can picture the affected creatures picking the caltrops out of their feet for several rounds, but I think it's too powerful (it would be better than a wizards at will except for the damage).

Caltops would get a stealth +5 or use the wielders stealth modifier if he took the time to carefully hide them. Throwing caltrops in a square in combat would make them obvious for anyone involved.


First Post
A rogue should be able to throw them as a minor action - escape.

Slowed or immobilized or prone + a tiny tiny bit of damage.


First Post
simple solution best

I don't see the point in the attack roll, the caltops are going to effect the person unless they have metal boots or high (+3) natural armor.

If any creature moves over a square with caltrops:
D6 damage, stops movement, and target is slowed (save ends)

If you want to take it a step further, the target may step around the caltrops if she is aware of them if she treats as difficult terrain. Of course most people will just jump over caltrops they are aware of.

Why not treat Caltrops as a Stunt that requires props {bag of Caltrop}?

Standard action: Spread Caltrops {trap}
You spread Caltrops over an area, covering as many squares as your DEX mod or number of bags you use, whichever is less. The area covered gains an attack with a bonus of 10 + 1/2 your level + your Wis mod vesus REF. Success deals damage and slows the target {save ends}. Once the caltrops hit with an attack, they are crushed and destroyed.

Roll a Stealth check and compare your results against the 'DC and Damage by level' chart in the DMG. Select the Low - Normal damage expression based on the moderate DC value. If your result is below a DC of 15, the damage of the Caltrops is 1D6

Example, a Stealth roll of 22 will create a Caltrop zone that deals 1D10+6.

{obviously based on the Kobold article :) }

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