I'm joining the walkthru writeup party, and will be posting updates from both of my campaigns. The first up is the beginning of my in person game which is set in Eberron. Need to find the notes from the first two sessions, but session three is up (in two posts). I'll be updating an overall page for each, and here is the one for Eberron.
The other campaign will be a modified version of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. I've been following Merric's writeups, and read lots of comments online about how to improve this, and I have thoughts......This one has only been one adventure so far, and I'll post that tomorrow (been sick, need rest). This game is online, as two players are in Oregon and two in Minnesota. We bought the Foundry version of this adventure. My first thought is that WotC should let them update the maps, but whatever. Also, we are using 3d canvas to play this in 2, 2.5 and 3d. We'll see how that goes.

An Eberron Campaign Walkthru - Mike's Thoughts
This post contains short summaries of my Eberron campaign, along with information about the characters. We are playing an in person game that takes place in Eberron. There are five characters. One of the players has a lot of experience with 5e Dungeons and Dragons, the other four do not. The...
The other campaign will be a modified version of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. I've been following Merric's writeups, and read lots of comments online about how to improve this, and I have thoughts......This one has only been one adventure so far, and I'll post that tomorrow (been sick, need rest). This game is online, as two players are in Oregon and two in Minnesota. We bought the Foundry version of this adventure. My first thought is that WotC should let them update the maps, but whatever. Also, we are using 3d canvas to play this in 2, 2.5 and 3d. We'll see how that goes.