Can a person whistle with no tongue?


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Can a person whistle with no tounge?

I came up with another idea for a PC... when I finally get into a game, I won't be strapped for ideas.;) Anyway, my idea is for the PC to have no tounge and be mute. Not sure about class, although Rogue is up there as a choice. So, how does this person communicate? I was thinking of whistling substituting for certain words (yes, no, stop, danger, etc). I'm thinking a combo of Snake Eyes from GIJoe with a bit of Harpo Marx (just the whistling, not the humor) mixed in. But, can a person with no tounge whistle? Can they have enough range to have distinct whistles for different situations? I suppose fingers could be used to assist, but I can't whistle like that, so I have no idea what range you can get with that method either.
This PC would also be fluent in sign language, regular or something like the kind used by the military. This sets up a good situation for the mute PC to have a partner that can understand what's being said.

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I don't think you can really do much as far as whistling goes without a tongue - at least not if you want variety...

What's the key idea behind the character - that he's mute, or that he specifically has no tongue?

If the former, then you can always say he survived a blow (or a hanging, or a garroting attempt) that destroyed his larynx, and he can keep his tongue... It'll make other things easier besides whistling - like eating.


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mmu1 said:
What's the key idea behind the character - that he's mute, or that he specifically has no tongue?

If the former, then you can always say he survived a blow (or a hanging, or a garroting attempt) that destroyed his larynx, and he can keep his tongue... It'll make other things easier besides whistling - like eating.

I was thinking escaped slave, perhaps from a temple, or the victim of a vicious attack. Also, it wouldn't be a guy, I play females since that's what I am. Perhaps, she was the victim of a violent rape?

How about some type of mouth piece, like certain animal calls? You could say your character carved it, and thus rationalize a wider range of notes.

Neil Aitken

If she has no tongue, she could have fashioned a prosthetic tongue or as suggested some other type of mouth piece. Which might even lend itself to some interesting names -- if she had high CHA she could call herself "<insert name here> the Silver-Tongued"

Other means of communication -- sign language, rhythmic slapping or beating, "beat-boxing" (ie. thumping chest, arms, and belly for noises), perhaps a familiar with vocal abilities (ie. using your telepathic link with a parrot), or maybe simple percussion (triangle, sticks, etc).


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How about her lack of voice isn't from having her tongue removed - it's from an injury to the throat she recieved. Had her throat slit. Magical healing kept her alive (with awsome throat scar optional), but the attack mangled her voice box / cut her vocal chords such that it would take a regenerate spell to make them work again, and nothing like that was even remotely available at the time.

Bam, can't speak, but can whistle. Plus, again, badass throat scar.



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I think you would be able to whistle, but only one note - the pitch is controled by the size of the chamber your mouth creates, and the tounge is used to modulate that size.

That said, I think it would make an interesting bard character...



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It can be done

You can whistel without a toungue, though I still say you should go just mute.

And while the size of your mouth does determine the pitch (and therefore a toungue helps change it) you can get quite a variety by moving your jaw in differrent ways. HOwever, you get far more variety with a toungue.


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Mostly she'd use some sort of sign language, but sometimes "verbal" communication is necessary, like when people aren't within line of sight.

I got the idea of having her toungue removed from the Theives World books where one of the churches had it done to the slaves. Having one's larynx damaged or slit throat and surviving are nasty things, but having your tongue removed is horrific.

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