Can I get a Wiki: How-To?


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I see some changes are being made with the way the wiki will work in the new location. I think it's great to take advantage of all the new options available to us. I don't understand all the words being thrown around, however, and I can easily see that many people here have greater understanding of site/wiki use/alteration than I do. Once the proposals currently open about how the Wiki works are done, I think a stickied how-to would be awesome. If no one wants to go to the trouble, I'll do it, but I'll regularly need to ask for help along the way.

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If you have a specific question, I'll be happy to try and answer it. If you're looking for a how-to on using the new features... well, that'll have to wait until we work out how we mean to use them.

I've been tossing the idea around in my head to start a "wiki help" thread to consolidate any help requests in one place. I think I'll make a proposal...


First Post
Wiki's have a "Discussion" page. Would it work to use that for approval discussion? Just to clean up the main page?


This isn't a bad idea. It's nice to have the approvals clearly marked on the main page, but all the bits about cleaning up powers and suggestions to get hide armor could be moved to talk.

Another thought would be to use a sub-page, like charactername_(player)/judges to hold all that info.

Voidrunner's Codex

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