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(Casual D&D II) The Fellowship of the White Dove

Guilt Puppy

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Fendric: Kyrr relays your question, and Kentaro shakes his head. His speaker relays the reply (speaking, peculiarly, in the first person): "There may be a deity who believes in living, but such a deity would want no worship. It may answer your question, though, to say that I sleep in the spirit of Atsheh, the giant bear."

He will take your pack to look through, though, and any others which are offered.

Raven: Kentaro replies directly.

"I do not need their aid... What I know is that they suck away the living of my people, and others beyond these mountains. I don't know how -- I don't believe they know, either. I can tell you my vision, which is all I know. I don't think the city elf would understand that it is important. Perhaps you will.

In my vision, a hand of white birds fly to shore from the ocean, over land, over cities, over wild lands... But in amongst their feathers they had allowed seeds to become lodged, as is the way of birds, and as they flew, these seeds, a hand of seeds, would fall to earth... Wherever they landed, they would not grow, but would pull inward, would swallow the life around them. What grew was a death which is unlike death, a death which comes from no life. It spread through cities and through wildlands, and the birds continued to fly, as is the way of birds, as they will do. The vision ends as they come to the foot of these mountains: This is where I meet them. I know them from the vision. The sense I get from them is strong and unmistakable, like a scent. I know their presence as I would know the presence of my father: These men are the birds.

I do not know how I will stop them, but I will stop them. Do you understand why? I do not desire to hurt them... Can you help me?

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Xiao follows the conversation as best he can. Which is not much, truth be told.

It concerns him that no one watches outside, but no one else, even those familier with the area, seems worried about it. Perhaps there is nothing of danger for us outside.

Niccolo's behaviour is abit of worry also. Back home he would be given some time in a nice quiet room to forget his confusion. But perhaps such behaviour is not unusual in these lands.


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Raven visibly pales as he hears the Ravast talk. “By all that is holy to your god, Kendric, please listen to what he has to say. This man had a vision, seeing white doves fly overland from the sea to the mountains. In their wings there were lodged seeds, as is normal with birds, the seeds loosen as they fly, landing on the soil. Instead of life the seeds brought undeath. He thinks you are unknowingly spreading something. He believes you innocent, but there is something evil around your group.

I believe him, and I suggest you take this very very serious indeed. You might want to hand over all your belongings and let him search for what he feels. These are no thieves, they try to help, and must say they’re being very non-aggressive about it. If something like this happened in the northlands I fear they would pry the items from your cold dead fingers.”

He chuckles dryly at the last sentence, with a hint of remorse in his eyes. He unconsciously scratches at the bottom end of his scar in his beard.


Fendric stares at the shaman, slightly confused.

As Raven's words drift over the room, it takes Fendric a minute first to realize that they're in Elvish, and then another minute to realize that he's the one being addressed, as the woodsman got his name wrong :).

Fendric stands, retrieves his flail from the table, and speaks first to Raven, and then to Kentaro and his interpreter:

"Good sir, my name is Fendric, with an F. And you need not use the elven tongue with me, unless you are ashamed of what you have to say.

As for you: tell your shaman that I will be retrieving my pack from the bathhouse, where I intended to get my rest. If one of your men wishes to come with me, he is welcome. I will retrieve my pack, and present it here for Kentaro's inspection.

While he is inspecting my pack, I will cast magicks that will allow me to determine the truth of what is being said henceforth, and to detect evil taint on anyone or anything in this room. I do not expect to register... discrepancies. See that it is so.

Fendric bows his head slightly to the shaman, and moves to leave the room, and do exactly what he said.


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As Fendrik leaves the room, Raven gives him a slightly disapproving look.When he leaves the room once again he addresses the Ravast : “Soft fancy elven poofter. It seems you where right, Ravast. He has difficulty understanding the seriousness of the situation, but I think I got through to him.

He chuckles again : “I told him that you were being very friendly, as in the north the clans would have killed him, innocent or not. Aaah well, they know nothing of honour and too much of pride, like children on the verge of manhood. Feel free to examine my things, just to show ‘em you mean no harm”. With that he gets up and goes to get his things.

Outside he tries to meet up with the priest.

Fendric, Fenric, whatever. I never am ashamed of what I say. Trying to say something in someone’s mother tongue is a measure of respect. Right now I don’t know if you deserve it. We have gone from a situation with ten armed men outside with weapons drawn to a situation where we sit inside at the fireplace, talking. If you don’t show some respect, we’ll be back to the weapons drawn stage. We are in their lands, elf, not in yours. We are guests, not hosts. This is not a civilised city with the town watch around the corner.

I really don’t understand you. Have you no idea of what’s going on here? Do you really think that if the situations were reversed and a band of barbarian humans were wandering around in the elven homelands stinking of undeath, they wouldn’t be sporting some feathers in their back by now?

I try and try to keep this from blowing up in your face, but each and every time you just keep on insulting me and the ravast. If you don’t trust me, fine, for you don’t know me, but at least try not to let your ego get everyone slaughtered. I don’t know what urgent errand you’ve got, but if your enemies kidnapped a priest and are following you, I’ll protect your back and help you, but you won’t win any time by getting yourself AND your companions slaughtered in the mountain pass.”

He turns around and goes to get his stuff, heading back to the common room.
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DrZombie said:
Outside he tries to meet up with the priest.

Fendric, Fenric, whatever. I never am ashamed of what I say. Trying to say something in someone’s mother tongue is a measure of respect. Right now I don’t know if you deserve it. We have gone from a situation with ten armed men outside with weapons drawn to a situation where we sit inside at the fireplace, talking. If you don’t show some respect, we’ll be back to the weapons drawn stage. We are in their lands, elf, not in yours. We are guests, not hosts. This is not a civilised city with the town watch around the corner.
Fendric wheels around, expecting one of Kentaro's men to follow him out, not Raven. "Oh, well, begging your pardon, then, as I was going to retrieve my pack for Kentaro to inspect, exactly like I said I was going to do, and exactly like he asked. But it appears you willfully wished to insult me, as well, by using my first language to mangle my name in front of this company you esteem so highly. And now you care not if you know how to say my name, and it doesn't even occur to you that I'm not really a trueblood, either. And Pelor only knows what you are saying to them in the Orcish tongue, as if it were on our behalf. If you want respect, show some yourself, woodsman!"

I really don’t understand you. Have you no idea of what’s going on here? Do you really think that if the situations were reversed and a band of barbarian humans were wandering around in the elven homelands stinking of undeath, they wouldn’t be sporting some feathers in their back by now?
"Well, I think I'd select a proper time of day to have this 'discussion' with them, to begin with. And I think the situation is not reversed, is it? But what I really think is that an armed siege on guests at a Temple of Fharlanghn, in the middle of the night, without any fair warning whatsoever, suggests that as one of the guests, I'd better be on my guard, eh?"

I try and try to keep this from blowing up in your face, but each and every time you just keep on insulting me and the ravast. If you don’t trust me, fine, for you don’t know me, but at least try not to let your ego get everyone slaughtered. I don’t know what urgent errand you’ve got, but if your enemies kidnapped a priest and are following you, I’ll protect your back and help you, but you won’t win any time by getting yourself AND your companions slaughtered in the mountain pass.”
"Begging your pardon once again, but I've insulted no one since the last time you lectured me on my tone, woodsman, and you have a particularly strange and demanding way of being 'helpful.' I would remind you that you are not my Archcleric.

Look: We've been lied to at least once since we began this adventure, because we've heard conflicting things from people at least that many times when they should have spoke to us true. Unfortunately, you and Kentaro are held to that same standard, because even what he says conflicts with things I've already heard, and you claim to speak for him. Or at least, you threaten me with his power.

I use the power of Pelor to detect taint because henceforth, I must. I use the power of Pelor to compel the truth because it does not reach my ears willfully, nor would I apparently know it at first light.

You know? Do what you must. I'll be in the common room, with my pack, exactly like I said I would, the very minute I don't have to hear from you that I'm going to die anyway!.

If it weren't night outside, at that very moment, you could swear the tips of Fendric's ears were much redder than the rest of his face.

[So, do all of us presenting packs for Kentaro's inspection need to put together a list of all our junk? Or as long as you know who's got the letters (I think it's Fendric), is that going to take care of it?]


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Nurthk accepts the pipe gladly, and passes it around in turn, his mood lightened somewhat.

Well well, Fendric isn't taking kindly to this situation. A pity, but he has been through much lately, and his manner is understandable, especially since so much of this is in orcish, and it would appear he does not know the language. It probably feels like a lot is happening behind his back, being kept in the dark on things.

Guilt Puppy said:
"Do you speak your father's language at all?"

"Yes, it is my native language," Nurthk replies, almost proudly.

He then listens intently to the Ravast's description of his dream, and frowns with serious concern.

"Ravast, what you speak of confuses me, as our journey is intended to prevent such happenings, but I have no doubts that what you say is true. I was raised in an orcish community, and such visions by our own shamans always rang true. I am thankful for your will to not bring us harm, and am quite happy to aid you in preventing these 'seeds' being spread futher than they may already have been," Nurthk says earnestly, bowing his head in respect.

What is it that I don't know? There may be a lot, but then again in the role I have chosen for myself I do not need to know much. What of Fendric and Niccolo? Is there something they don't know? That could be the true subject for concern.

Nurthk has his head resting on his hands in thought when Raven stands to follow Fendric out.

DrZombie said:
"Aaah well, they know nothing of honour and too much of pride, like children on the verge of manhood."

At this comment Nurthk's demeanor instantly changes. He has clearly been insulted by what Raven said and his eyes flare with a barely contained rage. His hands take a firm grip of the edge of the table, and those close by can see the half-orc's massive muscles bulge, and hear the faint sound of wood fibers being rent and giving way under the pressure. He clenches his jaw tightly and his eyes bore holes into the mountain man's back as he leaves the room.

No honour? NO HONOUR!? He thinks he can judge my companions and I all like that after knowing us a short few hours!? By Cuthbert I have a bone to pick with him! The good priest and the musician have been on this quest the longest and are undoubtedly under great pressure, we cannot all be judged by the actions of another!

Remembering the situation he tries to calm down before the respected Ravast. But his eyes still burn, and he smoulders quietly with his supressed anger, punctuated with impatient glances towards the door outside.
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Living EN World Judge
Trying <Will save 16...> his hardest to ignore the three-headed terrier that kept nippig at both of his ankles, not to mentin his important bits, Niccolo attempts to clear his head from the effects of the Mushroom and take stock of what was going on around him. Fendric seemed upset, as did Nurthk, while the newer members of the Fellowship were not fitting in as well as he had hoped. Or maybe it was the other way around? Perhaps he had become obsolete in the Fellowship. Perhaps he had better go and find some other Quest to fulfill, some other task to complete. Perhaps...

the thought sticks in Niccolo's head as a tiny owl flew past, with a miniature version of Niccolo himself upon it.The mini Gnome waved at his larger Self and the Owl hooted a ditty. Niccolo looked about to see if anyone else had seen it, laughing a bit to himself and then quieting as he offered his small satchel for inspection (after palming the remaining mushrooms, of course...).


First Post
dpdx said:
"Begging your pardon once again, but I've insulted no one since the last time you lectured me on my tone, woodsman, and you have a particularly strange and demanding way of being 'helpful.' I would remind you that you are not my Archcleric.

"Nope, you just continued in the same tone, one that one uses to children. By chance they do not recognise it."

dpdx said:
Look: We've been lied to at least once since we began this adventure, because we've heard conflicting things from people at least that many times when they should have spoke to us true. Unfortunately, you and Kentaro are held to that same standard, because even what he says conflicts with things I've already heard, and you claim to speak for him. Or at least, you threaten me with his power.
He asked me to speak for him for he fears you do not understand the severity of the situation. I never make threats, I try to explain the situation as I see it. I know these mountains, I know these mountain men. I know how to deal with them. I know what they respect and what they don't. For Farlanghs sake man, can't you see that I do my utmost best to keep you alive? I don't really care if you perceive it as an insult, I'd rather have you angry and alive than content and dead.

dpdx said:
I use the power of Pelor to detect taint because henceforth, I must. I use the power of Pelor to compel the truth because it does not reach my ears willfully, nor would I apparently know it at first light.

"wich is telling them to their face that you think they lie..... Fine, they appear to really not wanting to fight, and I've offered them food and drink. If they are insulted, you deal with it....
I've done my best to defuse the situation."

He shakes his head. Sighs..

"Look, maybe I misjudged you, maybe this is all a complete misunderstanding. Why should you trust me? You hardly know me.
When your thruthspell is up, ask me about why I said what I've said. Maybe that way we'll be able to talk without misunderstanding.

The scars on my face, and on my soul, were caused by undead. that is why I'm angry, that is why I am so pushy. Maybe the ravast has some answers. Maybe he can give peace to the spirit of my brother and his children.

If someone duped you into spreading the disease, I'll help you find those responsible."

Sheepish grinn.

"That is, if you still want a scout"



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[OOC : whoa, tempers are flaring, lol. This is getting intense, wich is fine by me, but if anyone gets a bit uncomfy with it, lemme know]

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