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CB's Pathfinder Beta -- Burnt Offerings


Gorvi and his boys lead the horse and wagon laden with dead goblins to the cliff and proceed to dump the bodies over the cliff onto the beach at Junker's Edge.
Since there's no mention of finding any gold on the goblin corpses searched in the junkyard then am I to conclude that Gorvi and his boys were in fact searching the bodies either as they were loaded up or unloaded from the cart? Just making sure I'm understanding what my PC witnessed.
The tide takes the dead hunting dog and one goblin
My character has a decent swim speed if it changes anything; he could swim out and drag the carcasses back if he sees them floating away. The deceased dog (there were two actually) deserves a token burial. My character will drag the carcass(es) up above the high water mark on Chopper's Isle (where few people go) and dig a shallow grave for it/them. It's the least he can do for his slain 'kin'. :.-(
This is a lot more activity than I realized you would have Taran undertake, however. The pursuit of gold, while entirely realistic for a young dragon, is going to cost Taran a night's sleep, with the result that he'll be fatigued on Day 2. Let me know if there is a game mechanic possessed by Taran that will spare him the effect/s of fatigue...
The only mechanic that might be pertinent is the one for dragon overland movement, though I'll admit it's a bit of a stretch.
SRD said:
Dragons do not tire as quickly as other creatures when moving overland on the ground. If a dragon attempts a hustle or a forced march, check for nonlethal damage once every 2 hours instead of every hour.
That being said, I have no problem with Taran being fatigued for the time being; it seems reasonable under the circumstances. Perhaps he'll be able to alleviate the condition somewhat by napping.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]Just to be clear, I don't expect that Sandstone will be participating in the breakfast meeting at the garrison. It'd seem a little odd for a stray dog to be included — correct me if I'm mistaken. Otherwise Sandstone will stay where he is outside and simply take advantage of the free time to get some rest; he's a little pooped. ;)[/sblock]

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"Elyra Coleus," Elyra introduces herself curtly. Then feeling she might have been too brusque, nods to Tac and adds awkwardly,
"Your fine craftsman is my cousin."


First Post
Tac Abor, human rogue

Both the Sheriff and the Mayor seem to size up each person who enters the Sheriff's office, looking with particular curiosity on Tac. The Mayor nods to herself then asks Tac, "I've seen you at work on our new Cathedral. Double thanks to you, young man. Did you hear the news that we'll host a second re-dedication ceremony this afternoon? After yesterday's fiasco, Father Zantus pressed me to see the dedication through." The Mayor pauses and tries an uncertain smile before continuing. "A gathering and a prayer might do some good to quell fear, at any rate. This evening, at sundown."

Tac's cheeks flush at the extra attention. "It's nothing," he says sheepishly. He nods supportively at the suggestion of a second dedication, but otherwise can't quite yet manage to get his mouth working, instead working on hiding his relief as the others introduce themselves and take attention away from him.


First Post
"Talashia," the sorceress replies, then adds, "From Maginar, though I used to live here. My last name is Penn...I'm Reve and Taylor's daughter."

(OOC - I seem to recall Tal's staying with her folks while visiting? If so, I'm assuming they were okay during the goblin raid...)

"I know Reve well enough." Sheriff Hemlock peers at Talashia and grunts. "Come home, have you? Your mum'll be pleased, make no mistake." Mayor Deverin and Shalelu listen intently as each person introduces themself. When everyone has said their piece and names have gone 'round, and all parties are seated within the confines of the Sheriff's office, Sheriff Hemlock cedes the floor to Shalelu who imparts what she knows the region and its recent activity. "Belor's told me of your work against the goblins--well done. I've dedicated the last several years of my life to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts, but they're tenacious and fecund little runts. Like weeds that bite."

"Anyway, there's five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they're pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like. Yet from what I've been able to piece together, members of all five tribes were involved in the raid on Sandpoint. A fair amount of the Mosswood tribe goblins I dealth with late yesterday were already pretty beat up, and there was a lot of chatter about the 'longshanks' who killed so many of them. Now that I've met you, it seems obvious from their descriptions who they were talking about. Seems like you've made an impression."

In any event, the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbs me. Goblin tribes don't get along unless they've got something big planned, and big plans require big bosses. I'm afraid that someone's moved in on the goblins and organized them. And judging by these recent raids, what they're organizing seems like bad news for all of us."

[sblock=Elyra]Elyra has no experience with Shalelu, nor has she heard of the elf, but then again the Hinterlands is a wide geographic area and elves are infamous for staying on the fringe of society, particularly in this area of Varisia where their numbers are fewer.

Shalelu mentions five goblin tribes, but Elyra is aware of only three within the region: the Mosswood tribe mentioned by Shalelu, which is a large tribe but one that tends not to trouble outlying farms because of trouble brewed within feuding Mosswood goblin clans, the Seven Tooth goblins of Shank's Wood--who regularly raid the Junkyard on the beach below Sandpoint, and the Licktoad goblins of the Brinestump Marsh, a small tribe of excellent swimmers who jump at their own shadow.[/sblock]

After Shalelu says her piece and sits back down, Sheriff Hemlock stands and cracks his knuckles. "Based on what Shalelu here tells us, the Mayor and I agree we need reinforcements. Sandpoint pays tribute to Magnimar for protection in times of need, so I'll be taking a few men south down the coast to requisition reinforcements from the Magnimar authorities. With only a partial company left behind to defend the town while I'm on the road, the Mayor feels it best that we hire extra help to bolster our defenses until I return." The Sheriff eyes Sivan and Elyra, then Tac and Talashia. "Should be a few days, if you don't mind. The pay's 200 gold. Each." Sheriff Hemlock winces as he says 200 gold but after a firm look from the mayor, he continues, this time turning his head to address Sivan and Elyra. "The locals seem to have taken to you and seeing you around town will do a lot for keeping worries down over the next few days. Shalelu's agreed to sniff around Shank's Wood, Devil's Platter, and a few other local haunts to try to dig up more information on the goblins' activity." Mayor Deverin stands up and moves beside the Sheriff, her face expectant.


First Post
Tac Abor, human rogue

Tac's mouth works for a moment without making any sounds. Then he swallows and manages to remember how speech works.

"I really like it here," he says. "And of course I want to do what I can to help, except ... well, except I'm already bound to Engineering Guild. Of course, it would already have taken a few days for the crews to all get themselves in order before leaving, so I'd probably still be here anyway. But ... "

The young engineer bites his lip, clearly conflicted, then sighs and pushes forward. "I guess what I mean to say is, if one of you were to put in an official word, I suspect I could get a dispensation from my engineering duties?"

Mayor Deverin nods thoughtfully. "A dispensation? I'll speak to Tollen Mire on your behalf." A smile creeps across the Mayor's face. "We're currently accepting bids for next year's refurbishment of the Academy--as your guild has stated its intent to bid on the Academy job, I'm sure the gratitude of the Sandpoint authorities for previous favors can be nothing if not a positive influence on the willingness of Mr. Mire to release you from work for a few days."


"We're currently accepting bids for next year's refurbishment of the Academy--as your guild has stated its intent to bid on the Academy job, I'm sure the gratitude of the Sandpoint authorities for previous favors can be nothing if not a positive influence on the willingness of Mr. Mire to release you from work for a few days."

Elyra tries not to show her displeasure at the mayor's ready answer. She had hoped Tac would not take the job. For herself...Well, she had been inclined to take it, as the money was certainly good. And now she had to, as she could not abandon her cousin to this. "I will take the job," She says evenly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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