D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE

Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim's eyes went wide when he caught sight of the beetle. "I don't think that was listed as a guest in the book!" An offensive cantrip came to mind as he studied the creature with interest.

OOC: [roll0]

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Roscoe High-hill — Halfling Barbarian 1

I have not seen the beast myself and those who seen it are dead. I was hunting deer and boar for the clan and returned an hour after the attack. Roscoe replies. "I began to track the trail and I was led here, so I venture insi...
Roscoe turns on heel and takes a look at the beetle.

*please roll init for me. what are the commands for dice rolling ?


[OOC: It won't work for me to try to edit the post above because it includes the "roll" tag, so the following is sort-of IC, by way of explanation/moodsetting::] ]

Guran knew something was coming. He could hear it. He was ready.

[OOC2: Hence; maximized Init.]
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. . . what are the commands for dice rolling ?

[OOC: All of the following is OOC:]
The dice-roller built into EN World is the "roll" tag. There are a few different ways to use it, but the main two are:

(1) If you don't want to annotate what the roll is for:
. . . where, of course, the round parentheses "(" and ")" are replaced by opening and closing square brackets; and

(2) If you want to indicate what the roll is for:
. . . where the only addition is an equals-sign and YourWording -- where YourWording should be, of course, your wording of what you intend the roll to represent.

In each case, "xdy+z" should be something like 1d20+2, or 1d6+3, or 1d4-2 (for klutzes).

There are also dice rollers available on the Web. Ask for URLs (I don't want to clog yet another post with unasked-for locations).

Edit to add: I forgot to mention this above: This "roll" tag only works from the "Quick Reply" box, not the "Go Advanced" option. Also, don't include any blank spaces in your code.
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Initiative order:
Guran 22
Colden 17
Eldon 12
Fulgrim 12
Giant beetle 5
Roscoe 4

Everyone please post your combat action. I will resolve them in initiative order. I want you to please include any relevant die rolls. Also, give me a passive Perception roll in your combat post for Round 1.

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