CERAMIC D.M. (not the current one, a year old)

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First Post
Your call alsih2o, as far as I'm concerned. But I'm in if you run it! :)

Give me those loopy pictures and the chance to exersize some creative muscles any day.



Clockwork Golem
I'm marking writing assignments for the next three weeks, so there's no way anyone wants me judging.

In the name of not sleeping, however, I'll volunteer to put my money where my judges hat is and compete.

I think this time I'm early enough not to be an alternate. I wanna play!

alsih2o: apologies that I couldn't take up the role of alternate last time, but I kind of fell off the world for a couple of days and by the time I got the notification that I was being called up the deadline had already passed.


First Post
NoOneofConsequence said:

alsih2o: apologies that I couldn't take up the role of alternate last time, but I kind of fell off the world for a couple of days and by the time I got the notification that I was being called up the deadline had already passed.

none required, real world strikes us all :)

welcome aboard :)

good to have speaker back too, cannot proceed wihtout the reigning champ :)

and brave of arwink to step forward, good for the gander, eh?
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Well, I'm here :D

I was thinking that perhaps this time I'd judge if you want Mark. Especially now that arwink can't. However, if you really are swamped with offers to judge, then I'll take a spot as a competitor. Your call.



Clockwork Golem
alsih2o said:
and brave of arwink to step forward, good for the gander, eh?

The sharpening of knives? What sharpening of knives :D

I fully expect my work the get the but kicking it deserves. I'm not a fantasy writer, and I made my peace with that long ago. I'm just going to need a distraction from marking, and humility will be good for me :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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