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Ceramic Dm (final judgement posted, New Champion announced!)


My initial reaction is :eek:. But then I think about it and I think the last couple of Ceramic DM contests have been filled in that period and then petered out. It isn't until the first round is underway that we end up with a few people chiming in that they would like to play but missed the signup.

So a three day signup and then run with it might be a good thing. I think the big concern would be a suddenly overwhelming turnout with 20+ first round contestants. How about this?
  • Three day signup - First responses have preference
  • Minimum 8 contestants + alternates
  • Judges must agree if they are willing to take more contestants
  • If more than 16 people signup, round 1 will consist of a "group competition" with the best 8 stories going on to round 2.
There are some ideas. Tear them apart like a school of pirahna in frenzy.

Alsih2o, if you do not want to run the next round, or any round, that's cool. You have busy stuff going on and it might not be easy to run a contest. You might also want to try your hand at writing again. But this whole originator without talent schtick, nah, I'm not buying it. :)

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First Post
BardStephenFox said:
Alsih2o, if you do not want to run the next round, or any round, that's cool.

I was incredibly nervous the first time I handed it off. But it was a real ball seeing what others did with it.

I see someone else running the fall session, with me as a possible contestant. :)


Yeah, I'd like to judge. I deliberately tried to comment on every story this time to show I've got the stamina :) even though I wouldn't be as soft when judging :eek:

As for the tournament, I don't know if we really want to exclude people based on past showings and become elitist. (harshly formulated, I know, so here's a smile to take off the sting :))
ETA: D'oh, I just realized that by "open entry", you mean to have a round with the same pics, and the eight best advance, right? Color me stupid then, I misunderstood :confused:

I like the idea of a three-pic first round, 4 in round two, 5 in round three, and 6 in the finals.

I'd probably set up the competition with 4 reserved seats for newbies (max. 1 Ceramic DM entry) and 5 reserved seats for previous finalists (or at least semi-finalists if we can't get 5 finalists). In all, I'd make it 14 contestants, with a bracket like this:

Match 1: Newbie1 vs. Newbie2
Match 2: Newbie3 vs. Newbie4
Match 3: Finalist1 vs. Random
Match 4: Finalist2 vs. Random
Match 5: Finalist3 vs. Random
Match 6: Finalist4 vs. Random
Match 7: Finalist5 vs. Random

We'd have seven winners + 1 "Lucky Loser" (Jury decides on best losing story) for the next round, which would be randomized (?).

This would be my idea of the next tournament.

Now, just for discussion's sake:
What do people think of "themed rounds", for example, having to write a pirate story or something like that. I think we had a "modern" contest once, but how was it received?

ETA: I think we could make the write-in more flexible by one or more of the following ideas:
1. Post the sign-up time and date up to three days early and mention it in the header of the thread.
2. Have several sign-ups (3 people+ 2 noobs + 2 finalists at 2 pm, 2 people + 2 noobs + 3 finalists at 8 opm, for example).
3. Keep 2-4 seats open until after the first story is posted, so that people who notice the story can get in. x
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First Post
My thoughts:

Is there a rule that says we have to have the same 3 judges for all stories in the competition?

I think what would be best would be to do the 3-day sign-up period. Then figure out the number of matches. If it is 8 or less, I think we've got the pattern down now. If it is more than 8, split the group in half and have two rounds going at the same time with two sets of judges at first. Recombine the groups at some point. Heck, mix up the contestants who advance within the groups for all I care. As such

Round 1A: Joe v Larry, Karen v Marissa, Eric v Ben, Harry v Sally, Mike v. Ralph, Bert v. Ernie
Judges for Round 1A: Russia, US, Korea

Round 1B: Michelle v Crystal, Moe v Curly, Rei v. Serena, Han v. Chewie, Luke v Leia, Zerkold v. Garion
Judges for Round 1B: Canada, China, Mexico

Round 2A: Joe v Crystal, Moe v. Marissa, Ben v. Serena
Judges for Round 2A: Russia, China, Mexico

Round 2B: Sally v. Chewie, Luke v. Ralph, Ernie v. Garion
Judges for Round 2B: Canada, US, Korea

Round 3: Crystal v Moe, Ben v. Sally, Luke v. Garion
Judges for Round 3: China, Mexico, Korea

Round 4: 3-way competition between Moe, Sally & Garion. Winner is Final.
Judges for Round 4: US, Russia, Canada

Or whatever.

This way it takes some of the pressure off the judges to be dealing with so many stories. It also allows for faster response time on the contestants as there can be multiple competitions going. And more stories for readers. Yay!!!!

The problems I foresee is the following:

The idea of different judges meaning that the whole competition will not on the same level of fairness - I disagree with this. I think more judges would make it more fair as writers will have to appeal to more than just 3 people. You can write to the judges if you know them and I feel that is not necessarily a good thing.

Confusion as to who is doing what with which pictures. - Valid complaint

Determination of the "final" judges - As in when do the separate pools stop and who judges the last story? There are a number of variations on when/how to recombine.

I personally like the idea of 3 pictures 3500 words. Those extra 500 go a long way to creating good stories while still keeping it short. Then add 1000 words per picture.

I would be willing to judge, but I will probably not write again [fear of losing rights to stories] and I won't organize.


orchid blossom

I actually think things run pretty well as they are now. 16 contestants is a lot, and I know (from experience now) that not only is it hard on the judges, but writing 4 stories is very hard. I can see perhaps adding extra judges for the first round, just to lighten the load, then having one judge from each group continue on with one who didn't judge at all. (Even this I think is more than really needs to change as long as the judges know what they're getting into. Plus, imagine trying to find a total of 7 judges.)

As for the "Lucky loser," concept, while I appreciate the aim I don't think it's a good idea. Working out a fair way of choosing, especially if there isn't a clear stand-out story, could be very problematic.

With sign-ups, I would just suggest they get announced a few days early, and people chiming in right away to say "I want in," just need to be reminded to stop in and say that after sign-ups officially open. ( I can see some people getting skunked by time-zones here, but I don't think that's anything new.)

Just my two cents here.
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orchid blossom said:
As for the "Lucky loser," concept, while I appreciate the aim I don't think it's a good idea. Working out a fair way of choosing, especially if there isn't a clear stand-out story, could be very problematic.

Excellent point!


First Post
Zhaneel said:
I would be willing to judge, but I will probably not write again [fear of losing rights to stories] and I won't organize.


If you are not willing to participate and cannot help organize I see no way for you to ever judge. Especially after dropping out twice, once ofter the competition was rearranged to make sure you got a spot. :)

I do not mean to be rude, but you have to REALLY be able to count on your judges.

I am heartily interested in trying this again. Last time was not so easy because I had to write concurrently with finals, but now I'm relatively unemployed . . . I mean 'free.' So I'm all for writin' some more. *grin*

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