Name: Bella Mulfield
Race: Halfling;
Class/Level: Celestial Warlock-1;
Background: Criminal (modified)
Alignment: Neutral Good;
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 12,
Passive Investigation: 14
Hit Dice: 1d8+1;
Spent HD: None
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3),
Stealth: +5,
Thieves' Tools: +5
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 (+1),
Investigation: +3
Wisdom: 10 (+0),
SAVES: +2,
Perception: +2
Charisma: 16 (+3),
SAVES: +5,
Intimidation: +5
Speed: 25 ft
Initiative: +3
AC: 13
HP: 9/9; TEMP: 0
Spells: 1/1
Healing Pool: 2/2d6
Eldritch Blast: +5 1d10 force 120 ft
Daggers: +5 1d4 piercing 20/60 ft; finesse, light, thrown
Languages: Common, Halfling
Tools: Thieves' Tools, Playing Cards
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Background: Criminal (Blackmailer)
Skills: Perception, Stealth
Criminal Contact: I know a guy.
Race: Halfling (Lightfoot)
Abilities: +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Lucky: Reroll 1s on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Brave: Advantage on saves versus fear.
Nimbleness: Move through creatures of Medium or greater size.
Naturally Stealthy: Can hide when hiding behind a Medium or bigger creature.
Class: Warlock (Celestial Patron)
Skills: Intimidation, Investigation
Spells: Attack: +5, DC: 13
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, light, Prestidigitation, sacred flame
Spells Known: charm person, comprehend languages, cure wounds, guiding bolt,
Spells per Rest: 1 (1st level)
Patron: The Celestial
Bonus spells:light, sacred flame, cure wounds, guiding bolt
Healing Light: 2d6 Pool of healing, heal someone within 60 feet from the pool as a bonus action (up to 3d6 at a time). Pool resets after a long rest.
Leather Armor (10 gp, 10 lb)
Light Crossbow, 20 bolts (25 gp, 5 lb)
2 Daggers (4 gp, 2 lb)
Dark common clothes, w/hood (5 sp, 3 lb)
Thieves' Tools (25 gp, 1 lb)
Deck of cards (5 sp)
40 gp
Bella grew up in a somewhat wealthy household as a middle child to her parents, Ebon and Sora Mulfield, where she studied the family business diligently under her mother and used her business acumen to start giving loans to friends of her friends, for "simple" interest. Her loan sharking eventually led her into blackmailing, though, she never blackmailed her loan victims, instead using them to give her targets for the blackmail. Her parents kicked her out when they discovered her operation. Cut off and unused to living on the "streets" (it was a forest) she prayed for help from anyone who could help. She heard a voice in the forest, and wary of fey ignored it for a while until she came upon an injured man in the forest. She rushed to pick his pockets but instead, as she touched him, a warm arcane magic flowed from her to him, healing him. Awed by what happened, she turned over a new leaf, dedicated to helping others, or is she just milking her helpers ability in trade for power?
Starting Money:
4d4*10 110
If someone wants to be the person Bella heals in the woods, that could be a good hook. Presumably, you will have saved Bella's live since that event and we consider each other even on the life debt scale.