Changed default threads per page, posts per thread

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Michael Morris

First Post
I'm glad I'm not the only one getting a hard time.


  • pkittyowned.gif
    49.8 KB · Views: 109


First Post
Michael Morris said:
funny kitten picture

Muhaha... great picture. :D

About the changes: I have a really high-res screen and a fast broadband connection, I think the new posts per page works out nice for long threads.

As a computer programmer I wonder how this does affect the server load. In fact there are less 'clicks' but more data troughput per 'click'. Does it have any impact on the server load?


First Post
Cool! Upon seeing this, I immediately platypussed the PPP ratio to 50.

While I was there, I saw that the option to choose between "classic" (user info on the left of the post) and "VB3" (user info above the post) would disappear in the next vB upgrade. Say it ain't so! I don't like the vB3 style (as seen on

Gez said:
While I was there, I saw that the option to choose between "classic" (user info on the left of the post) and "VB3" (user info above the post) would disappear in the next vB upgrade. Say it ain't so! I don't like the vB3 style (as seen on

Actually, it says:

Posts can be displayed with user information to the left (Classic) or with all user information above the posts (VB3 Style). (This option will not be functional until after the next forum upgrade).

Sounds to me like the option will not be available until after the next upgrade, not that it's going away.

Voidrunner's Codex

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