Kickstarter [Chaosium] All Aboard! Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game is live on Kickstarter!

Michael O'Brien


Horror on the Orient Express: 16 character backstories to be developed by Mark Morrison, co-writer of the original Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign​

Co-writer of the original Horror on the Orient Express Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign Mark Morrison is to create back stories for the 16 characters that feature in the board game version.

These characters, which feature in the Investigators Unveiled Expansion for Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game, plus the two vampire antagonists, will each get their own one-page back story with a fully-statted Call of Cthulhu Investigator sheet. They will also feature a full body portrait.

These characters could easily be used in any 1920s Call of Cthulhu scenario. The investigators would make excellent pre-generated player characters!

Mark Morrison says, "What a thrill to be invited to do this. The creative team have assembled an intrepid cast and I can't wait to tell their stories. They will also have Call of Cthulhu RPG stats so their horrors are just beginning. Oh, and there is a new nemesis who has intrigued me since she stepped out of the billowing steam and bought her one way ticket... (That's one way for the investigators, not her.) There are already 10,000 backers on board, and 4 days to go. See you in Istanbul!"

Back Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game here - Kickstarter campaign ends April 19:
And get the 2 volume Horror on the Orient Express Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign here for the Kickstarter special price of $49.99 (save $40.00) - offer ends April 19:

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Michael O'Brien


As we enter the final two days of the Kickstarter, Chaosium's Jeff Richard talks with Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game co-designers Adam Kwapiński and Michał Gołąb Gołębiowski:

Back Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game here - Kickstarter campaign ends April 19:
And get the 2 volume Horror on the Orient Express Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign here for the Kickstarter special price of $49.99 (save $40.00) - offer ends April 19:

Michael O'Brien


Mike Mason boards the train: Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game​


As our Kickstarter enters its final stretch, Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason has boarded the train!

Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game introduces a terrifying collection of new Mythos entities, and these monsters will all end up in future releases for the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game.

And to describe the indescribable, these otherworldly horrors will be prepared for Call of Cthulhu by none other than Mike Mason, the game's creative director!


-- the hideous Mythos being in the Consumed by the Void expansion --


-- otherworldly horrors that feature in the New Monstrosities expansion --

Back Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game here - Kickstarter campaign ends April 19:
And get the 2 volume Horror on the Orient Express Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign here for the Kickstarter special price of $49.99 (save $40.00) - offer ends April 19:

Michael O'Brien


Our doomed train has almost reached its destination. But if you'd like to get on board you still can... until 4:00pm on Friday.

Join over 11,000 backers on Kickstarter with Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game.

And this is also your last chance to get the 2 volume Horror on the Orient Express Call of Cthulhu TTRPG campaign for $49.99 (save $40.00) - offer ends 4pm on April 19th. nb you do not have to back the Kickstarter to take up this special offer.

Michael O'Brien


That is it. The Orient Express has just arrived at its destination. We are incredibly grateful for your enthusiastic support. As we alight the train, there is 13,201 of you, dear backers. This exceeded our wildest expectations! Even though we traveled through horrifying landscapes of the Dreamlands, this journey has been a true delight. Thank you!

Voidrunner's Codex

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