With literally one hour to go in our Call of Cthulhu Classic Kickstarter, people have been trying to triangulate on exactly how many scenarios are in the 2" boxed set, so we thought we should provide a list:
- The Haunted House (by Sandy Petersen)
- The Brockford House
- A Beginning Scenario for a Campaign
- The Wail of the Witch
- Shadows of Yog Sothoth
- The People of the Monolith
- The Warren
- The Auction
- Black Devil Mountain
- The Asylum
- The Mauretania
- Gate from the Past
- Westchester House
- Paper Chase
- The Mystery of Loch Feinn
- The Rescue
- The Secret of Castronegro
- The Haunted House (by Keith Herber)
- Shadows over Hollywood
- The Underground Menace
- Valley of the Four Shrines
- Curse of Tsathoggua
- Trail of Tsathoggua
What's more, the boxed sets and PDFs on offer are not only packed-full of nostalgia from the birth of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game in 1981, but are also fully compatible with the 7th Edition of the game!
Last chance to back, the campaign ENDS Sat 24 July at 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT!
Call of Cthulhu Classic
A boxed collection of Chaosium's classic Call of Cthulhu products from the 1980s.
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