Press [Chaosium] Call of Cthulhu 7th edition co-author Paul Fricker formally joins the Chaosium team

Michael O'Brien

Paul Fricker
Call of Cthulhu 7th edition co-author Paul Fricker has formally joined the Chaosium team as an associate editor.

Paul is best known for the latest edition of Chaosium’s acclaimed RPG, Call of Cthulhu, in partnership with Mike Mason, and more recently for the ENNIE-award winning Rivers of London RPG, in partnership with Lynne Hardy.

Paul has participated in the creation and development of numerous scenarios and campaigns, beginning with Gatsby and the Great Race, back in 2005. Presently, Paul has three best-selling scenarios on the Miskatonic Repository, Chaosium's platform for independent Call of Cthulhu creations at DriveThruRPG: Full Fathom Five, Dockside Dogs, and My Little Sister Wants You to Suffer, with more in the works. Paul also developed the Call of Cthulhu strand of the Storytelling Collective's popular 'Write Your First Adventure' workshop, assisting literally thousands of aspiring TTRPG creators take their first steps towards publication.

"Paul has been an integral part of the success of the current edition of Call of Cthulhu since its initial release. As the popularity of Call of Cthulhu continues to grow, it's great to bring Paul formally on board to help work on the many exciting releases we have in various stages of production," said Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien.

In addition to his writing, Paul appears on two podcasts: as one of the hosts of the horror and gaming podcast, The Good Friends of Jackson Elias ; and alongside Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu Creative Director, Mike Mason, on their short fiction podcast, Mason and Fricker’s Eldritch Stories. Paul also has a blog (The Frickerverse).


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