[Chaosium] Call of Cthulhu's 'Reign of Terror' wins inaugural Australian Roleplaying Industry Award for Best Scenario

Michael O'Brien


Friday Jan 18, 2020: On the eve of Arcanacon, Call of Cthulhu's Reign of Terror wins the inaugural Australian Roleplaying Industry Award for BEST SCENARIO.

Congratulations to Australian Call of Cthulhu authors Mark Morrison, Penelope Love, Darren Watson, and Chaosium's own Jamie Coquillat. And all the creative team behind this book!

The Australian Roleplaying Industry Awards (ARPIA) "recognise and encourage Australian involvement in the role-playing industry". Awards presented include Game of the Year, Best Artwork, Best Scenario, Best Rule System, Best Cartography, Best Electronic Product (Best Aid or Accessory – Digital), Best PDF only Product.

Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien, who gave the keynote address at the awards ceremony in Melbourne, Australia on Friday evening said:

"It was a pleasure and an honour to give the keynote speech at the inaugural Australian Roleplaying Industry Awards tonight. As I said in my address, the ARPIA awards are a further recognition of the depth and richness of the Australian RPG scene and its contribution to the industry on the world stage. It’s a great community to be part of – so rich, so diverse, so creative, and so welcoming. Last year RPG designer and publisher Sarah Newton was the guest speaker at the inaugural ARPIA meeting announcing the awards, having just flown in from her home in France. Something Sarah said in her speech sticks with me: although she was from a long, long way away and meeting people for the first time, she said she quickly knew everyone there shared something special - being part of the RPG tribe. The ARPIA awards are a recognition and celebration of many of the wonderful things being created by the Australian branch of that tribe, to be shared with the booming RPG community around the world."

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