Press [Chaosium] Chaosium Con Australia Update: get indie creations at our community content pop-up store!

Michael O'Brien


We're excited to announce we'll be replicating the success of last weekend's community content pop-up store at Chaosium Con in Ann Arbor at Chaosium Con Australia, coming up in June.

Community Content Pop Up Store: supporting and promoting independent creators​

Chaosium Con Australia attendees will be able to purchase a wide selection of print titles from our Miskatonic Repository and Jonstown Compendium independent creator programs. The Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest independent creators who wrote them will all get paid their normal revenue share! And if they're in attendance too, they can even sign their books for you!

Thanks again to DriveThruRPG for giving us special permission to showcase our indie creators' work in print.

Community Content Panel and Meet & Greet Gathering​

If you're thinking of writing for these programs yourself, we'll also be holding a panel for prospective community content creators, featuring Chaosium community content ambassadors Bridgette Jeffries and Mark Morrison, with several local published community content authors including Kat Clay and David Waldron. Plus we'll be holding a mix and meet gathering for established, budding, and prospective community creators.
Chaosium Con Australia logo
Chaosium Con Australia takes place on June (8-9) - get your tickets now, and join us in Melbourne, Australia for an epic weekend parts mythic, epic, heroic and horrific! International guests are Mike Mason, Andrew Logan Montgomery, and Bridgett Jeffries!

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