Press [Chaosium] Chaosium will be demoing Call of Cthulhu at Asylumfest in Beechworth (Oct 27-29)

Michael O'Brien


Asylumfest is a three-day Australian horror book and pop culture festival in the buildings of Mayday Hills, a former 1800s asylum in Beechworth, Victoria. Where better to hold a horror con? And Chaosium will be there demoing Call of Cthulhu as guests of the convention!

On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th we'll be running free introductory sessions of 'The Necropolis', from Gateways to Terror.

Asylumfest features panels, workshops, dealer’s tables, and gaming, plus a ghost story competition and short horror film competition. The Australasian Horror Writers Association hosts the Australian Shadows Awards ceremony on Saturday afternoon.

For more information about the festival, check out the website: HOME | Asylumfest

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