Press [Chaosium] Coming at Gen Con 2024: Chaosium Presents 'The Ravenleigh Collection', one-of-a-kind Call of Cthulhu LARP

Michael O'Brien


An eccentric occultist holds an auction of rare occult items on New Year’s Eve in New York. Some of the bidders may be more than what they seem - and others may yet have nefarious goals. Can the attendees protect themselves from a diabolical plot, or will they be fodder for a lunatic and his dark god?

Get your tickets to this one-of-a-kind Call of Cthulhu LARP, presented as part of Chaosium's extensively offerings at Gen Con 2024. Created by fiendishly imaginative friends at the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Featuring special guests Graveyards of Arkham stars Mark Meer and Becca Scott.

Ticketing information here.

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