Free [Chaosium] Get a free copy of Call of Cthulhu's 'The Dead Boarder' in Roll20's RollVsEvil Bundle supporting Ukrainian aid

Michael O'Brien

Our friends Chris and Rita Birch, co-founders of Modiphius, have launched a not-for-profit called RollVsEvil which aims to bring the tabletop gaming community together to fight real world evils - see EN World story here.

This Saturday, March 26, gamers are getting together (either in person or online) to support RollVsEvil first fund-raising campaign, with donations going to benefit Ukrainian Aid efforts.

To support the RollVsEvil initiative and get people playing, Roll20 has launched a free special bundle of bonus content. We've added the Call of Cthulhu adventure The Dead Boarder to it — this is an ideal adventure to give a taste of Call of Cthulhu's core motifs of mystery, investigation, and horror, and is suitable for beginning and experienced players. So we invite you to get group together, fight evil in the game, and help fight evil in the real world by supporting RollVsEvil!

Get the free Roll20 download code by visiting the RollVsEvil website. It is redeemable to April 26.

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