Press [Chaosium] Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game Design Diary #5 – The train itself is an essential element

Michael O'Brien

HotOE Design Diary

Call of Cthulhu's Horror on the Orient Express has long been revered as one of the most iconic and acclaimed horror campaigns in tabletop roleplaying — so we're very excited that a new board game adaption is coming! In this design journal series, co-designers Adam Kwapiński and Michał Gołąb Gołębiowski share insights on the development of the new game, which is to be launched on Kickstarter in 2024, and released in early 2025.
The iconic train itself is an essential element in Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game—so how does it work?

Movement between different carriages allows you to perform special actions

Moving around enables you to eavesdrop on other passengers and potentially discover valuable information

Some parts of the train can get crowded! Take care of passengers , so the panic doesn't spread...


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