Release [Chaosium] Masks of Nyarlathotep, "the holy grail of horror", now released for Fantasy Grounds VTT

Michael O'Brien


Masks of Nyarlathotep, the epic Call of Cthulhu campaign critics have described as "the holy grail of horror" and one of the greatest ttrpg campaigns ever made, is now available on Fantasy Grounds VTT.

Playable with either standard Call of Cthulhu or Pulp Cthulhu, this Massive Package includes:
  • Masks of Nyarlathotep Book - Omnibus of both volumes (666 pages)
  • Keeper Screen you can print out to fit over your existing Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen
  • NPC Portraits pack with 105 portraits
  • Keeper Reference Booklet
  • Handout Booklet with Maps and Pre-generated Characters
  • High-resolution images of the amazing covers by Sam Lamont and Rhys Pugh
  • 10 Pre-Generated Characters with Character and Background Sheets
What are you waiting for? Go Save the World!

Available from direct from Fantasy Grounds and Steam for $59.95.

Check out the full range of Call of Cthulhu titles on Fantasy Grounds here.
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