Media [Chaosium] Now on YouTube: watch all five episodes of 'Angel's Thirst', the 1920s scenario from Cults of Cthulhu

Michael O'Brien

Stream of Chaos - Angel's Thirst

Los Ángeles, 1923. The search for a missing taxi driver kicks off an investigation tainted by the criminal underworld, and perhaps something darker.

Having played through Loki's Gift, the 1890's Gaslight scenario in our new hardback release Cults of Cthulhu, the award-winning team from the Stream of Chaos has now finished playing 'Angel's Thirst'. This is the classic 1920's scenario in Cults of Cthulhu, one of the three adventures included.

Here, our investigators Alex, Art, Dave, and Jackson answer a call for help from a stranger with nowhere else to turn. Keeper James takes them through five deadly episodes at Chaosium's YouTube channel:

The Gold ENNIE award winning Cults of Cthulhu is available now from $USD49.99, price includes PDF.
Also available at DriveThruRPG and in retail distribution.

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