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Release [Chaosium] Our Cthulhu by Gaslight Leatherette is a deadly shade of green...

Michael O'Brien


Did you know the colour for our Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator's Guide special leatherette version is Scheele's Green, a shade that is both authentically Victorian – and deadly?


Why did we select this colour? As Cthulhu by Gaslight producer Michael O'Brien explains, "Scheele's Green was very fashionable in the Victorian era. In addition to book covers it was used for all manner of things including wallpaper, paint, clothing, candles, and even food dye. Unfortunately, being made with arsenic, Scheele's Green was also toxic. Its inventor, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, was something of a mad scientist, and ultimately died after being poisoned by his own experiments. When coming up with a colour for our Gaslight leatherette, we thought this deadly shade from the Victorian era was perfect."


Arkham leatheretteThe Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigators' Guide leatherette was designed by Chaosium house graphic designer Monika Godyń. Monika also designed the magnificent Call of Cthulhu: Arkham leatherette (right), among other recent leatherette titles.

Cthulhu by Gaslight is a stand-alone game, and contains the complete rules for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, including character creation. Get your copy of the Gaslight Investigators' Guide today!

  • Special leatherette edition - $99.99 (price inc PDF)
  • Full color hard cover - $49.99 (price inc PDF)
  • PDF from Chaosium - $24.99
  • PDF from DriveThruRPG - $24.99

  • Call of Cthulhu Arkham special leatherette edition - $99.99 (price inc PDF)
nb the Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigators' Guide leatherette is a modern reproduction of Scheele's Green and is perfectly safe (we cannot guarantee there won't be SAN loss from using it though)

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