- An encyclopedia to the gods of the fantasy world of Glorantha
- A companion book to the other volumes in the Cults of RuneQuest line makes it essential for collectors
- New RuneQuest players will find an easy-to-follow and evocative description of the pantheons of Glorantha
Also available in a special leatherette edition.

Cults of RuneQuest: The Prosopaedia
CHA4042-H152 pages
Hardcover, full colour
ISBN: 978-1-56882-466-6
Authors: Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard, Sandy Petersen
Cover Art: Katrin Dirim
Interior Art: Katrin Dirim.
$37.99 - hardback*
$90.00 - leatherette*
$18.99 - PDF
$18.99 - DriveThruRPG
*price includes PDF when purchased direct from Chaosium.com and from Friendly Local Game Stores that are part of the Bits & Mortar initiative.