Press [Chaosium] Pendragon: The Grey Knight - what's different in the new edition compared to the original 1986 version?

Michael O'Brien

The Grey Knight

Revised and updated for the new edition, Pendragon: The Grey Knight is a beginner-friendly campaign book, containing everything you need to run the legendary Grey Knight campaign.

This is the third version of The Grey Knight. The original, published by Chaosium in 1986, was the first stand-alone adventure for the Pendragon roleplaying game. It was written by film and television writer Larry DiTillio (He-Man, She-Ra, Beast Wars, Murder She Wrote, The Real Ghostbusters, Babylon-5, etc), renowned in TTRPGs as the author of the legendary Call of Cthulhu campaign Masks of Nyarlathotep. Masks of Nyarlathotep ignited a revolution in scenario design and is justly heralded today as one of the greatest roleplaying campaigns of all time. Larry DiTillio passed away in 2019.

Books by Larry DiTillio

An updated version of The Grey Knight saw print as part of the adventure anthology Tales of Mystic Tournaments, edited and revised by Matthew DeForrest and published by Green Knight Publishing in 2000.

Our 2024 version of The Grey Knight builds on both its predecessors by introducing two Prologue Scenarios and making a few changes to “The Grey Knight” scenario proper. Most notably, certain characters and locations were changed to bring the events of The Grey Knight back in line with the detailed Arthurian chronology developed by Greg Stafford in The Great Pendragon Campaign and subsequent publications.

The prologue scenarios bridge The Sword Campaign from the Pendragon Starter Set to the adventures in the Grey Knight campaign. These bridging scenarios make Pendragon: The Grey Knight an ideal campaign for new players and GMs!

The book also includes an entire chapter dedicated to detailing the city of Carlion, including a full-page map!

Carlion Map

Challenge Death's Companion! Get your copy of The Grey Knight today:​

The Grey Knight waits for vengeance, and time is running out! Can you find the treasure that holds the key to defeating this vile foe, and save the kingdom itself?

Pendragon: The Grey Knight is a complete campaign, fully compatible with both the Pendragon Starter Set and the newly-released Pendragon Core Rulebook.


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It was written by film and television writer Larry DiTillio (He-Man, She-Ra, Beast Wars, Murder She Wrote, The Real Ghostbusters, Babylon-5, etc), renowned in TTRPGs as the author of the legendary Call of Cthulhu campaign Masks of Nyarlathotep.
What's especially amazing is Larry DiTillio only turned to TTRPG writing to make ends meet during a 1983 screenwriter strike. And so wrote Masks of Nyarlathotep and The Grey Knight for us. Then the strike ended and he resumed his illustrious scriptwriting career in Hollywood...

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