With the Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigator's Guide now out in release, a band of Miskatonic Repository creators have put together a special Cthulhu by Gaslight Bundle. This includes elevan Miskatonic Repository Scenarios, many of which are best-sellers. This bundle offers all eleven titles for $21.90, which is a 50% savings of the title price of each scenario. If you want to jumpstart your Gaslight library, give this a shot!
Plus, there are some brand new Gaslight releases in the Miskatonic Repository too:
The Grotesque by Gaslight (nb also in the bundle)
Ryan Graham Theobalds ($4.95, 30 page PDF)
What starts out as a celebration in grandeur at the iconic Kew Gardens London leads to a path of adventure, when a dead body is discovered. Will this end in triumph, or will this lead to the destruction of your reputations, death, or perhaps to despair. Will you prevent a catastrophe of world magnitude. You will find yourself up against horrors both real and imaginable. Will your mind survive the trauma?
Gaslight scenario, over 30 pages of fun, action and horror lies within.
Carmilla: A Study in Blood (nb also in the bundle)
Maria Borys-Piątkowska ($3.99, 23 page PDF)
Carmilla is in a world of hurt and is waiting for the right time to take her revenge, which arrives along with the guests at the Carfax Estate. She makes a last-ditch attempt to influence the investigator by appearing in their dreams...
Mythos-optional Gaslight scenario in which the investigators will face the mystery of the legendary vampire. Part of the Zgrozy line.
Trouble At Scarrick Isle
Man Of Thousand Hobbies (Pay-What-You-Want, 10 page PDF)
An impoverished island community that is on the upturn after the arrival of a new priest, but he is not who he seems. Due to its remote setting it could easily be adjusted and be used in a 1920s, Modern or Gaslight setting.
Snuff: A Primer for Regency and Gaslight Call of Cthulhu
Andrew Edward ($0.50, 9 page PDF)
This work is designed to give a Keeper, running stories in Regency, or players in Gaslight or Classic era, a background on snuff tobacco. This knowledge will provide Keepers and players with a background on snuff, allowing everyone to confidently include it in their period scenarios with a high degree of verisimilitude. Even today, snuff is still used albeit as a niche product, and therefore this information could be used in modern era as well. Furthermore plot seeds are provided involving snuff, if a Keeper wishes to build a story around this product.
Snuff is a tobacco product and has all the health risks associated with tobacco and nicotine. This work is not an endorsement or encouragement to use the product.
Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
Plus, there are some brand new Gaslight releases in the Miskatonic Repository too:

The Grotesque by Gaslight (nb also in the bundle)
Ryan Graham Theobalds ($4.95, 30 page PDF)
What starts out as a celebration in grandeur at the iconic Kew Gardens London leads to a path of adventure, when a dead body is discovered. Will this end in triumph, or will this lead to the destruction of your reputations, death, or perhaps to despair. Will you prevent a catastrophe of world magnitude. You will find yourself up against horrors both real and imaginable. Will your mind survive the trauma?
Gaslight scenario, over 30 pages of fun, action and horror lies within.

Carmilla: A Study in Blood (nb also in the bundle)
Maria Borys-Piątkowska ($3.99, 23 page PDF)
Carmilla is in a world of hurt and is waiting for the right time to take her revenge, which arrives along with the guests at the Carfax Estate. She makes a last-ditch attempt to influence the investigator by appearing in their dreams...
Mythos-optional Gaslight scenario in which the investigators will face the mystery of the legendary vampire. Part of the Zgrozy line.

Trouble At Scarrick Isle
Man Of Thousand Hobbies (Pay-What-You-Want, 10 page PDF)
An impoverished island community that is on the upturn after the arrival of a new priest, but he is not who he seems. Due to its remote setting it could easily be adjusted and be used in a 1920s, Modern or Gaslight setting.

Snuff: A Primer for Regency and Gaslight Call of Cthulhu
Andrew Edward ($0.50, 9 page PDF)
This work is designed to give a Keeper, running stories in Regency, or players in Gaslight or Classic era, a background on snuff tobacco. This knowledge will provide Keepers and players with a background on snuff, allowing everyone to confidently include it in their period scenarios with a high degree of verisimilitude. Even today, snuff is still used albeit as a niche product, and therefore this information could be used in modern era as well. Furthermore plot seeds are provided involving snuff, if a Keeper wishes to build a story around this product.
Snuff is a tobacco product and has all the health risks associated with tobacco and nicotine. This work is not an endorsement or encouragement to use the product.