Press [Chaosium] 'There should be a book like this for every RPG line' (Unnatural Selections)

Michael O'Brien


The 'Unnatural Selections' series is our regular round up of notable Chaosium reviews worth a look.

MIG3: The Meints Index to Glorantha
(aka MIG3), contains an exhaustive catalog of RuneQuest and Glorantha titles and related products. This new edition covers everything published for RuneQuest and Glorantha between 1975 and 2015.

"He even has entries for Glorantha books that don’t exist. How’s that for exhaustive? There should be a book like this for every RPG line." Stu of The Vintage RPG Podcast discusses new edition of The Meints Index of Glorantha on the latest episode of the award-winning podcast. Have a listen here.

Designers & Dragons RPG historian Shannon Appelcline says "Rick Meints' MIGs have always been awesome. The newest one not only has the benefit of 20+ years of additional research, but Rick is also now in charge of Chaosium, so there's some secret lore in there as well."

Jonstown Compendium creator Brian Duguid says, "A gorgeous looking production, and a fantastic tribute not just to the indefatigable efforts of Rick Meints but to all the creativity of the cast of thousands who appear in it.”

Purchaser Matt H gives the MiG III 5 Stars and says, "Collectors and casual readers should find it of value".

Purchaser Scott Shafer gives it 5 Stars too, and says, "The depth and breadth of RuneQuest is ably chronicled in this book. It is designed for collectors, but even the casual fan will find something of value in its pages. Highly recommended!

The MiG III is the definitive guide to all publications to include material on Glorantha in existence. Available now in full colour hardcover. It's a Chaosium website exclusive!

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