Land of 1000 Nations
Land of 1000 Nations covers The Woven Land—the distant continent, and its many peoples, beliefs, magics, cultures, and nations.This 144 page book provides an extensive exploration of the histories, customs, social structures, and spirituality of the various cultures of the Woven Lands. A rich digest of folklore and mythology showcases the depth of culture of the peoples of the distant continent. Throughout the book is a collection of beautiful artwork depicting the peoples of the Woven Lands, created by a diverse group of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color artists.

Available now in PDF from Chaosium.com* and from DriveThruRPG - $16.99
Cities of Faith and Wonder
Cities of Faith and Wonder explores cities full of adventure and mystery, thwarting the plots of Villains and uncovering vast conspiracies! Two major cities of Theah - Vaticine City and Iskandar - are brought to life in wondrous detail for the first time.
This 216 page book also features a robust city-building system, allowing you and your players to create your own capital, township, village, or metropolis from the ground up. Whether you’re looking to put your own personal touch on Théah, or create a vast and interconnected hub as a basis for an entire story, the tools you need are found within!
Available now in PDF from Chaosium.com* and from DriveThruRPG - $19.99.
*purchase the PDF now direct from the Chaosium website and we'll take the cost of the PDF off the price of the physical book when it is released.
What is the 7th Sea RPG?

7th Sea is a tabletop roleplaying game of swashbuckling and intrigue, exploration and adventure, taking place on the continent of Théah, a land of magic and mystery..
Players take on the roles of heroes thrown into global conspiracies and sinister plots, exploring ancient ruins of races long vanished, and protecting Kings and Queens from murderous villains.
It is a world of sharp blades and sharp wits, where a cutting retort can be just as deadly as a sword’s point!
New to 7th Sea and the world of Théah? Check out 7th Sea Getting Started section or download the Quickstart and start sailing across the 7 Seas!