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Character Concepts


It's been mentioned plenty of times that you can try posting a character and see if anyone wants to DM a campaign for it, so what the hell, I thought I'd give it a shot. Worse that can happen is nothing comes of it, which is OK.

I've started playing in Living Eberron, and I am trying my hand at DMing a solo Eberron campaign which stars Isida Kep'Tukari, and I am sort of hoping that I will get a chance to play in a solo game myself. However, if it came down to it, I can live with a couple of extra people. The adventure I'm in in Living Eberron features three of us, and I think that is a decent number. I don't quite understand why the standard number for PbP is six when the " quintessential party " is four.


" My name is Saal Arendt, of Kerkulin, a town on the northern border of the Silver Wood in Aundair. I grew up listening to stories of the ancient capital of our nation, Thaliost, which my grandparents saw fall to the Thranish army. In the seven decades since then, we have been unable to take it back. For all of our nations arcane might, we could not overcome the foolish Thranes faith in their Silver Flame. I plan to change that.
In my youth, I studied to become a mage, so that I could fight the War. My training was put on hold however, when I was led to discover a power by which I could overcome the priests and holy warriors of the theocracy. For years, Aundairian wizards and sorcerers have looked to Aureon to guide and inspire them, but they have ignored a great power that was open to them, the power of the Shadow. I vowed I would not make that mistake, and with the help of a fellow mage and priest, I found my way to the worship of Aureon's Shadow.
Years past as I mastered new skills and prayer, but eventually, when I was secure in my faith, I returned to my old books and dusty tomes to continue my arcane studies. I began to specialize in illusory magic, which would eventually lead me to mastering the power of shadow.
I continue to pray, continue to study. I will grow stronger and stronger in my arts, and the day will come when I am ready to lead my fellows to strike deep into the heart of Thrane and wrest control of our beloved Thaliost from our enemy, wielding both my own faith to counter theirs, and deadly arcane magics to destroy them. "

Saal Arendt is a human male, chaotic neutral cleric 2 (the Shadow)/wizard 1, who plans to eventually take up the path of the escalation mage. He has Str 12, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14. He possesses the Magic and Shadow domains, and is an illusionist with abjuration and enchantment as his forbidden schools. His feats are blind-fight, scribe scroll, practiced spellcaster (wizard), spell focus (illusion) and action boost. Skill ranks include concentration 6, decipher script 1, diplomacy 3, heal 2, knowledge (arcana) 6, knowledge (geography) 1, knowledge (religion) 4, knowledge (the planes) 2 and spellcraft 5. His 1st-level wizard spells are chill touch, colour spray, expeditious retreat, magic missile and summon monster i. Equipment might include something like a masterwork quarterstaff, bracers of armour +1, cloak of resistance +1, shadow weave clothing and various other odds and ends.

I used 32 pt. buy, and if I could I'd take max hps every level (it's what I'd grant my players, I think its a simple way to extend combats a little longer). Naturally, the sort of campaign I have in mind would hopefully deal with dark magic and various extra-legal actions along the border and inside enemy territory, though lots of stuff to do on his side of the border would do fine as well. Hopefully, someone will like this idea and we can run with it.
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I'm still looking for a solo game, and I don't expect this concept to garner any replies either, but I'll give it a try anyway.

Calraak grew up in Malleon's Gate, and he was quick to learn the natural hierarchy of goblinoid life. Put simply, bugbears and hobgoblins at the top, and city goblins, like him, at the bottom.
Most of the folks in district just accept this as life, and Calraak did to, until his eyes were opened by an old goblin priest of the Sovereign Host from the Temple. Under the tutelage of the priest, he went from plain slum dweller to warrior of the Host. His " holy mission " , to build a better home for the goblins of Dura. The hobgoblins and bugbears had Darguun, let the city goblins rule the Depths of Sharn!
In the Depths, as many know, lie the ancient ruins of Ja'shaarat. Mostly buried, dangerous and swarming with foul monsters, they have become the purview of the brave and foolhardy adventurers of Clifftop and Deathsgate. Calraak sees that coming to an end. He is only one goblin, but he believes that the ruins can be excavated and rebuilt, at least to some extent, and that they will make an ideal home for goblins that have suffered far too long in the slums, forgotten by the city's wealthy and elite.

Calraak is a male goblin, a lawful evil cleric of the Sovereign Host with the Community and Fire domains. In time, he may multiclass as a marshall. He has str 10, dex 14, con 10, int 12, wis 15, cha 14. His feats are filth eater and craft wondrous item, and he has 4 ranks in concentration, 2 in diplomacy, 4 in heal, 2 in knowledge (history), 5 in knowledge (religion) and 1 in spellcraft. Notable possessions include a shadowweave robe, leather armour, a handy haversack, unguent of timelessness, spear and masterwork dagger, as well as a selection of standard equipment.

I see Calraak as being an unknown quantity in the beginning, but probably butting heads with the various criminal elements as well as the larger goblinoids of Malleon's Gate, in addition to exploring the Depths.

Again, if this really catches the fancy of anyone, I wouldn't mind a partner in crime I guess, and with the worrisome disappearance of Isida, I might decide to DM a solo campaign, possibly in the same theme. It is what has caught my fancy, for the moment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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