D&D General Chat bot AI recreated my game

OKay, so first I am not computer expert. Infact my knowledge of computer is as follows: "Ohh magic box make pretty video game" "Oh, pretty video game fun" and "'ugh have to find way to file taxes for free" and "Come talk about D&D on magic box"

maybe a slight bit of use of email and 'not' office suits. oh, and of course 'adult entertainment for free'

My understanding of AI is "Skynet bad Data good, please make Data not Skynet" and "Bad skynet, don't mess with the space time continuum to fix a war you lost" and "Furby cute but scary, please don't turn into skynet"

However I do game with computer bros that work in digital thingies. They are super excited for this chat GPT thing, and have started useing it to make D&D things. They asked me to play around with it, and laughed when I started by saying hello and introducing myself, but when skynet comes online I want to have always been polit to AI.

so the experment I wanted to run was to ask it if it knew what D&D was, then see from there if I could get it to map out a campaign for me. My test was to see how many promts I would need to duplicate hours of my own work on a campagin.

I picked a campaign that was player live so there was little maybe no chatter about it on the web to steal. I have been told that this isn't a real AI, not that I would dislike a real AI I love DATA, that it predicts the most common words in order and puts them together. NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE TO ME! So if I used one that we ran on roll20 or discord it might have somehow stolen that and just reported what we already did.
Part of me wanted to do an old like 3e idea but I decided to keep it mostly modern.

So the TEST:

I took an idea I ran back in 20017-2018 and with 3-5 prompts pretty much got it to outline 80% of my campaign and most of the difference were improvements. I went about an hour in and 16ish prompts and was floored, like it read my mind.

in fact I copy/pasted the end result in to our discord and everyone assumed they were my original notes for a 'control' sample'

Pomts that I didn't count was me saying hi, asking how it's day was and telling it I like D&D and if it Knew the 5e rules. Gand total I would say that was less then 5 minutes anyway.

here are my prompts:
1)Do you understand the style of rule and how the bloodwar works in D&D
2)If I wanted to run an evil or evil and neutral campaign where the players took on the role of fighting for hell in the blood war could you create a good set of plot hooks?
3)do you know about how orcus became tenebrous and back again?
3.5)can you take your plot hooks and rework them to include Orcus as tenebrous being a connecting theme
4)your third plot idea intrigues me, can you help me flesh it out with who the cult is and what the ritual is like?
5)can you help me with making stats for 5e D&D for 2 diffrent stat blocks for cult members and a warlock like NPC stat block for the leader both around CR7

now I kept going but that already made what was a pretty bare bones version of the game I ran years ago, IT even became scarier when I asked to flesh things out... up to this point though it was less then half an hour total

I could stop there but I wanted to see if I could get it to come up with one of my twists.

6) can you create a custom artifact that is a lesser rod of orcus that has some kind of shadow theme
7) what basic monsters from the monster manual can I use to round out encounters?
8) could you modify the kobold and hobgoblin stats to have more demonic tenebrous connection's for me?v

now this was only another minute or two and it came up with a BETTER lesser artifact then I did and almost exactly how I modified my goblins and kobolds.... and it had suggested them but like 4 other things too... so I kept going

9)thats great can you take those stats and the cultist you created erlier and come up with an abyssal dungeon with them as the encounters?

this went off... nothing in the dungeon was at all like what I had even useing VERY similar building blocks.

10)Can you create a unique devil to give this quest to the PCs?

now in my notes this was "bob the demon" and I came up Beelzabob on the fly to NOT call him that at the table... the system did not call him that it named him Malthorius, The Tempter, but pretty much everything else was close or a dead match for bob.

11) who would be a good foil for Malthorius, the tempter, maybe another fiend NPC you can create that plots against them

in my notes this was Sally the Succubus, and I got:
One possible foil for Malthorius, the tempter, could be a powerful and cunning succubus named Lirien.

Lirien is a seductive and manipulative devil who seeks to gain power and influence over mortals and demons alike.

like damn other then better names you are batting like 8 out of 10 here.

BUT heree came my twist in orginal notes: I had Bob and Sally used to be married... so I had the players find old love letters when they snooped.

12) what dark secret could connect Malthorius and Lirien that could be found by the players and how?

it's answer floored me so I am putting it right in here copy/paste:

One possible dark secret that could connect Malthorius and Lirien is that they were once lovers, but their relationship ended in betrayal and tragedy.
The players could uncover this secret by finding a hidden chamber within Malthorius's lair that contains clues to their past. Perhaps there are old love letters or trinkets hidden away, or paintings or sculptures depicting the two of them together. Alternatively, the players could overhear a conversation between Malthorius and Lirien in which they allude to their shared history.

13)can you create an NPC hero that could be an antagonist to both Malthorius and Lirien and as such the players, but could also end up being how the players reunite the two former lovers

I had orginally created a paliden of love based off a character from the dresden files so he could be both antagansit and helpful... and I swear it recreated him with a new name.

14)can you also come up with a Hag that will serve as a merchant of souls and lesser items I can use for the campaign with her own back story and plot hooks

and swing and a miss... this one was nothing like what I had come up with.

15)can you take the story of tenebrous and connect Malthorius and Lirien to make a background tieing all of this together for a campaign idea set in hell during the blood war?

and it did pretty close but needed another promt or two... but at this point it was pretty much reading my mind.

Sure, here's a possible background tying together the elements of Hellgate Keep, Tenebrous, Malthorius, and Lirien:
In the midst of the Blood War, Asmodius, the ruler of the Nine Hells, has mysteriously disappeared. The Archdevils who are vying for his throne have their own plans, and chaos reigns in the Hells. Meanwhile, the Raven Queen has tasked a group of adventurers with hunting down undead creatures that are being used by both sides of the war.

As the adventurers delve deeper into the Hells, they discover that a powerful cult is at work, seeking to uncover ancient artifacts and use them to summon Tenebrous, the demon prince who once threatened to destroy the Hells. The cult believes that with Tenebrous on their side, they can tip the scales of the Blood War in favor of their faction.

But there is more to the story. The adventurers learn that Malthorius and Lirien, two powerful fiends who were once lovers, had a hand in the disappearance of Asmodius. Malthorius, the Tempter, had convinced Lirien, a half-dragon priestess, to betray Asmodius and join forces with him to further his own power.

The adventurers must navigate the complex politics of the Hells to uncover the truth and stop the cult from summoning Tenebrous. Along the way, they may encounter powerful fiends who seek to use them for their own purposes, including the mysterious devil who tasked them with their quest.

If the adventurers can reunite Malthorius and Lirien, they may be able to stop the cult and prevent the summoning of Tenebrous. But the Raven Queen may not be satisfied with simply eradicating the undead in the Hells, and her goals may conflict with those of the adventurers. And even if they succeed in their quest, the disappearance of Asmodius may have far-reaching consequences for the balance of power in the Hells.

As for the artifacts, the adventurers may encounter the Hellgate Keep, and powerful relics that can change the course of the Blood War. But they must be careful, as these artifacts are highly sought after by both sides of the conflict, and possessing them may draw the attention of powerful fiends who would stop at nothing to obtain them.

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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
An important thing to remember is, the chatbot doesn't actually think and create. It's stringing together text in better and better ways, but interpretation is always in the eye of the beholder. It's a tool you are using. If the chatbot is helping to improve your game, then the tool is working as designed, but you are still the one doing the creative work. How many responses did you have to discard because you had to rework the prompt to get meaningful results? I just wanted to point out -- the creative genius in the process is always you. You just suddenly got access to better tools.

Also, always read the terms & conditions. A lot of chatbots that are publicly accessible have riders where the researchers are allowed to review and keep the results; in other words, whatever is in the prompts and responses belongs to the company hosting the chatbot. Don't give away your IP for free!

An important thing to remember is, the chatbot doesn't actually think and create. It's stringing together text in better and better ways, but interpretation is always in the eye of the beholder. It's a tool you are using. If the chatbot is helping to improve your game, then the tool is working as designed, but you are still the one doing the creative work.
This is largely true, and accurate about how it functions (basically weapons-grade predictive text) but there are people who operate on an uh, lower, level with these AIs, and there is, essentially, no meaningful "creative work" going on with them.

This is particularly obvious with art AIs, because it changed from the initial period where most usage was quite creative and rapidly became the default mode of use - there was no creativity, merely attempts to make the machine make things people didn't want to pay an artist for - often just to either directly steal an artist's style or to create crude, obvious, jerk-off/fetish material. Obviously that's a lot easier to monetize than the small minority of people who want to use it creatively (it does have legit uses, but they're no longer the focus of the paid AI art companies).

But it's also true to a lesser degree with LLM AIs like these - many people are using them creatively - as jumping off points, or to just grab ideas together or the like, but others, I'm afraid, aren't doing that, they're just giving it incredibly basic prompts and then continuing to prompt it in a really simple way. I don't say this to criticise them (I do criticise the art people who use it to steal styles, make fakes or the like, though), but I think it's a point worth raising. You can use LLMs very creatively, or you can barely be a participant.

One thing I will say is that there's a degree of GIGO, and you have to carefully craft prompts if you don't want something that's just really annoying dumb, trope-y and super-obvious, with fantasy, and even then likely you have to just strip out the few good ideas from the utter junk. But some people are perfectly happy with dumb, trope-y, meaningless and obvious. A friend of a friend used it to basically write an entire SF novella. It's absolutely dire. It has no themes, no ideas, no meaning, no real characterisation, no relationship to the human experience, just a giant teetering pile of incredibly obvious SF tropes. The FoaF in question is extremely pleased with it, but like goddamn.


At this point, it's a fun toy to play with and it does write better than say 95% of bright teenagers, but owing to various limitations with it I'm struggling to even get it to even usefully supplement my games. I did mine some ideas from it, but it's a chore to set up the necessary prompts and also not over train it in a conversation and yet also deal with the fact that it can only remember a limited number of instructions before it starts losing the plot.

An important thing to remember is, the chatbot doesn't actually think and create.
I get it, I was mostly jokeing about the skynet thing

It's stringing together text in better and better ways, but interpretation is always in the eye of the beholder.
right and confirmation bias is a thing I get that too, but the pompts I gave were not that pointed. but it still 3/4 came up with my campaign. A campaign I spent months working on.
How many responses did you have to discard because you had to rework the prompt to get meaningful results? I just wanted to point out -- the creative genius in the process is always you. You just suddenly got access to better tools.
I listed my prompts. Since then I have done some more indepth looks on new ideas and asked for a list of ideas then picked 1 or 2 from the list for it to expand on and that works well too.
Also, always read the terms & conditions. A lot of chatbots that are publicly accessible have riders where the researchers are allowed to review and keep the results; in other words, whatever is in the prompts and responses belongs to the company hosting the chatbot. Don't give away your IP for free!
Yeah I don't think anybody is paying for my D&D Hell Soldier game ideas,


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Take into account that AI output has been ruled as non-copyrightable. So all of these companies asking you for the rights to the output have no leg to stand on since all of the results are Public Domain by default.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Take into account that AI output has been ruled as non-copyrightable. So all of these companies asking you for the rights to the output have no leg to stand on since all of the results are Public Domain by default.
For now. I don't trust that someone somewhere isn't scheming some underhanded way to reverse that with a clever argument from bad faith. I still smart over the genius who decided to try to patent the "process of relaying a story having a unique plot."

Voidrunner's Codex

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