D&D General Chevar: Champions of The Ninth Realm! - Goth DnD Meets Aetherpunk Meets 80's Cartoon Sci-Fantasy (+)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle

aetherpunk 60 by polaraju on deviantart


I’ve got a title, and a plan!​
Chevar: Champions of The Ninth Realm, and a companion document titled Chevar: Shadows of The Ninth Realm, will be published within the year, if my current medical issues don’t blind me (a remote but extant possibility), and maybe even if they do, dammit.

The World of Chevar is littered with ruins, relics, remnants, and rejects, of all the other 8 realms. Everyone from kings to rebels escaping despots, from villains to heroes, and regular folk who found themselves in extraordinary circumstances, have all found themselves in this strange world.

13 moons circle the giant terrestrial planet, which in turn orbits a yellow star, and then in turn orbits an impossibly massive yew tree. In the night sky the World Tree is visible, as are twinkling lights within the boughs of the great tree, which are believed to be the other worlds in the cosmos, and on some nights the ring of Jotunheim can be seen by those on the southern hemisphere.

On especially clear nights, a ring of golden, silvery, and gem-like, stars called the Ring of Jormangandr, believed to be the scales of the infinite serpent which circles the 8 Inner Worlds and keeps them separate from the Outer Realm, The Watching Void, Ginnungagap.

Within the world of Chevar are hidden artifacts past centuries and distant worlds left by accident or by intention by the heroes and monsters of the ancient history of the Nine Realms. Great war-keeps, roads built by long forgotten kings, and many of the fabled treasures of our own myths and legends.

The people and nations of Chevar are diverse, coming from every corner of the Nine Realms. Trolls, satyrs, centaurs, alfar and döragr, dragons, humans, gnomes, puca, shifters, and others gather together in the great cities, and make homes in disparate enclaves throughout the fertile lands of Chevar, and explore the immense wilderness of this largely unexplored world.

Hidden in moonlit glades, river passes, street corners, and the meeting places of various roadways, are the paths between worlds known as Crossroads, leading to worlds that could never otherwise be reached, and to places that can scarcely be imagined.

In the modern day, the people of Chevar have surpassed their ancient ancestors, gathering and harnessing the ubiquitous element known as Aether to fuel great airships, and engines of both war and industry. But danger lurks in these new developments, and the wise tread cautiously, for the world itself is alive, and possessed of intelligence and conscious will, and she will not suffer the devastation that has been seen on other worlds throughout the cosmos.

Many of the ruins in the great wilds of Chevar are the abandoned castles and cities of folk long past who sought to defy the will of Chevar and create grand weapons of war or pollute the skies and waters of the world with unchecked industry, only to find the land itself rising up against them and driving them out, scattering them and their descendants to the four winds.

Still, magic and technology intermingle in this place between places, this cosmological crossroad, and wonders are built in the doing.

The original OP contains discussion of the aesthetic inspirations of Chevar, and some ideas about what sort of games are played there.

Original text of OP​
I've been rolling a set of ideas around in my head for years, and I think i finally have the form they'll take as a coherent concept.

Adventures In Chevar: Champions of The Ninth Realm

So, in the cosmology of my homebrew game, Chevar is "the Ninth World/Realm" in a sort of slightly off world-tree cosmology. The Ninth exists both within and without each of the other 8 realms, and is the crossroad between all worlds, if you can find it. Bvecause of this, it has often been the battleground and staging area of various invasions and conflicts between worlds, such as when the forces of the Void have tried to physically conquer the nine worlds in millenia past.

So, in short, it's a diverse world with many ruins, less dense population, high danger in the wilds, and many of the great secrets and artifacts of the past of many worlds hidden away in secret places.

What I'm looking to mix in this setting, and curious if anyone has thoughts on, cool art related to, spotify playlists of a well suited aesthetic, etc

  • Aetherpunk adventure with an actual punk ethic, ie subversive social politics (all fictional worlds have social politics, anything -punk should be challenging oppressive and anti-inclusive political structures in some way) with a mix of the grim take of cyberpunk and the hopeful take of stuff like She-Ra Princesses of Power.
    • Airships, aether-powered or otherwise magical guns and energy swords, maybe airshps that can go into space, at least around the planet. maybe the solar system is encompassed by an aether gas cloud and so there are winds and stuff in "space"?
  • Elements of Gothic Punk fiction (world of darkness, the crow) in a world more like the early modern/enlightenment era than the 90's, juxtaposed with places like Bright Moon from She-Ra and cool cities like the main starting city in final fantasy 9.
  • Realms/regions of eternal night, races born of darkness and tragedy, classes like the Assassin and Anathemir (something between the witcher and the abhorsen from fantasy fiction)
  • Ancient ruins with artifacts of power buried deep inside, relics to uncover and figure out how to use or replicate, new ideas competing with cobbled together reverse engineered ancient devices
  • Vast wildernesses in a massive planet with nine moons and various planetoids and large asteroids in the solar system
  • Dragons that aren't just color coded pokemon (can you tell i don't like dnd dragons?)

I'll post more art that gets at what I'm after, and my current drafts of the umbrylar species, and assassin and anathemir classes, later.

I'm curious if anyone has any favorite fiction that mixes any of the above together, or games, or art, etc. Looking for inspiration as well as discussion of what you'd want to play or run in such a setting.
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Possible places to look for inspiration:
  • Shadowrun (change it from 2020's to 1620's or 1880's tech) (FASA/Catalyst Games)
  • Space 1889 (GDW)
  • Leviathans (Catalyst Games)
  • Castle Falkenstein (R. Talsorian Games)
  • Vampire: Dark Ages (White Wolf)
  • Thundarr the Barbarian (Hanna Barbera cartoon)

And I can't think of the name of the videogame, but there was a video game (I think featuring Jack Black?) about a "barbarian" with a guitar (axe) in hell that seems like it might fit this ...


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Possible places to look for inspiration:
  • Shadowrun (change it from 2020's to 1620's or 1880's tech) (FASA/Catalyst Games)
  • Space 1889 (GDW)
  • Leviathans (Catalyst Games)
  • Castle Falkenstein (R. Talsorian Games)
  • Vampire: Dark Ages (White Wolf)
  • Thundarr the Barbarian (Hanna Barbera cartoon)

And I can't think of the name of the videogame, but there was a video game (I think featuring Jack Black?) about a "barbarian" with a guitar (axe) in hell that seems like it might fit this ...
I will check those out for sure!

Brutal Legend is the game you're thinking of, which while that game is rad, I don't tend to go full parody-silly when worldbuilding, which is more where that game sits, IMO.

Still, you get the thematic goals, for sure.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So, I have a full class writeup that is mostly done for a swordmage type character, based loosely on the monk as a true half-caster, and I'm wondering if instead of something like swordmage or duskblade or whatever, since those are probably wotc's property anyway and this is an ogl/cc project not a DMsGuild one, something involving the word aether?

So far my wife and I have:

aethernaut - pushes the concept a bit more toward swashbuckler and less strictly a sword-nerd, but that could be a good third dimension for the class

aetherialist - sounds more like the full caster foil to this class

aether knight - breaks the one word norm of 5e classes, but is pretty cromulent otherwise

dweomerlak - an old term used by Tolkein to denote someone skilled in dweomercraft. The class does reference dweomers in the flavor text of how they harness aether and use it to fuel magic.

aetherum or something else made up based on aether - kinda like PF's magus, but like aetherialist and magus, it sounds more like the name of a full casting mage

aetheme - similar to above, but this one specifically combines aether and atheme, which is the ritual blade of modern hermetic mysticism, wicca, and most derivatives and close cousins.

subclass names that we feel are funny and good are dweomer knight (pronounced dweemer in this case) and woad warrior, because they are fun to say, but as someone who grew up with speach issues I probably won't actually do it. A subclass for a heavier gish, and a subclass for a painted barbarian-adjacent warrior, do make sense, though.



I suppose that Eberron veers towards aetherpunk, though it may be closer to "aetherpulp."

Wil Wheaton's Titansgrave setting for Fantasy AGE


But yeah, I would echo the sentiments to check out Numenera and Worlds Without Number. They are less aetherpunk, however, and more like science-fantasy settings set in the far future that enable D&D style fantasy adventure.

Sounds great!

Suggestions for possible source material:

His Dark Materials: See the BBC adaptation for: Airships, aether-powered; subversive social politics; early modern/enlightenment.
Doctor Who: It's done pretty much everything in it's time, but a good one for subversive social politics and trippy science fantasy.
Michael Moorcock, especially Jerry Cornelius stories.

Chris Wooding, Tales from the Ketty Jay series, for: Airships, aether-powered.

Warhammer 40K.
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
tech tatoos!
hell yeah. absolutely.
Numenera & Worlds Without Number!
not a fan of numenara, but worlds without number looks really cool. More grim than I usually go for, but aesthetically that fits the worlds in which a lot of the kinds of stories i'm looking at take place.

Regarding the world, IIRC you have read the Aeronaut's Windlass? Do you have Radiant Citadel? If you have Exploring Eberron you could probably get some use from some of the planes like Irian.
Aetherbrand is cool, I like that.

I do have Radiant Citadel and Exploring eberron, though I haven't dug deep into either yet.
I suppose that Eberron veers towards aetherpunk, though it may be closer to "aetherpulp."
Yeah, gas lamp fantasy and aetherpunk are pretty similar, so there is definitely some stuff to pluck from there.
Wil Wheaton's Titansgrave setting for Fantasy AGE

Titansgrave! I loved the actual play they did, with Hank Green playing a lizard guy IIRC!
But yeah, I would echo the sentiments to check out Numenera and Worlds Without Number. They are less aetherpunk, however, and more like science-fantasy settings set in the far future that enable D&D style fantasy adventure.
Numenara has some aesthetics I'm down for, but the vibe of "fantasy but really sci-fi because the magic is actually hyper-advanced tech" puts me off it a bit.
Sounds great!

Suggestions for possible source material:

His Dark Materials: See the BBC adaptation for: Airships, aether-powered; subversive social politics; early modern/enlightenment.
Doctor Who: It's done pretty much everything in it's time, but a good one for subversive social politics and trippy science fantasy.
Yeah! I had kinda forgotten that exists lol
Michael Moorcock, especially Jerry Cornelius stories.
View attachment 275276
Chris Wooding, Tales from the Ketty Jay series, for: Airships, aether-powered.
View attachment 275274
Warhammer 40K.
Jerry Cornelius and Ketty Jay i've never even heard of! I'll check them out!

Voidrunner's Codex

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