Chicago Gameday 30 is Oct 15th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
[title]Gameday 30 T-Shirts[/title]

A commemorative Gameday 30 t-shirt is available on the Gameday CafePress store. Be the envy of all our friends when you walk in to Gameday sporting this handsome garment! Available in long and short sleeves. These are sold at cost; the only profit is a massive boost to your gaming cred!

I got my ordered and on the way! :)

CoreyHaim8MyDog, welcome to my games! :)

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First Post
Hi. Please sign up myself and 2 boys (Alex and Nicky) for: Surcoat Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Table H.


P.s. Count us as a 1 for the d30 if we made the cutoff. Spread the love. :)



First Post
Catt & ekb for breakfast
Both of us in AM 5 - WoD/Hill Manor

... Still trying to work out what she wants to play for the afternoon....


First Post
Buzz please sign me up for Supernatural, "Mixed Messages", Table D in the morning and Dresden Files RPG, "When Vampires Attack", Table D in the afternoon.


Can I get a seat in the insanity-inducing Call of Cthulhu in the morning?

Supernatual and Dresden please. Stupid too many good afternoon things.

Call of Cthulhu and Dresden, pretty please!

And breakfast too!

Hey Buzz,
I'd like one ticket for breakfast, nev's morning game, and bills evening game (Kill puppies woohoo!).
Elijah AKA lifelike

OOOOOoooooOOOOOooooohh, x-rated gameday, sweet! Oh right, you just mean 30 *wink* I forgot...

Anyhow, Mr. Buzz, if you would kindly put puffdebbie and me down for supernatural in the morning and icons in the afternoon. There's a chance that Deb may get stuck working that day, if so I'll be sure to mention it ASAP so you can free up slots.

Reid, if you don't mind I'd like to give Blackjack Bane a try this time instead of reprising Mazzo the Great. It was a toss-up last time, so now I'll check out what I missed, if that's alright. Not sure yet about Deb, if she makes it, wanting the same character or a different one.

Thanks folks, see you there!

Morning Game 5 and Afternoon Game 4 for me please.

World of Darkness in the morning and Ghostbusters in the afternoon

Troy Pacelli also wants Ghostbusters in the afternoon

Breakfast and.... hm, I think I'll go with Reid's ICONS game. I've heard the game has some issues, but we'll see if we can't make it hum anyway. Thanks!

Hi. Please sign up myself and 2 boys (Alex and Nicky) for: Surcoat Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Table H.


P.s. Count us as a 1 for the d30 if we made the cutoff. Spread the love. :)


Keel Tings

First Post
Sorry, I've been away for sooo long!

But I'm back now and looking forward to some gaming so if I can please signup for:

Morning Game 3: The Eye of Vecna


Afternoon Game 1: Kill Puppies for Satan (Yes. Yes, I will)

that would be much appreciated. Hope to see everyone soon!



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