Chicago Gameday 32 is July 14th - SIGN UP TO PLAY

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Yup. In order to keep all the tables full, I will run Savage Worlds Goblins.

Life as a goblin is nasty, brutal, and short, much like goblins themselves. Now adventurers are coming into your caves to kill you and take your stuff! Seats for 6 players, youth friendly.


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Yup. In order to keep all the tables full, I will run Savage Worlds Goblins.

Life as a goblin is nasty, brutal, and short, much like goblins themselves. Now adventurers are coming into your caves to kill you and take your stuff! Seats for 6 players, youth friendly.

Added to the roster! I think this is the first time Savage Worlds has been run at Gameday. Thanks, Willow!


Morning game 1
Afternoon game 5 / 8(which ever isn't full)

Thank you. :)
Added to Rivers and Lakes in the morning and Dungeon World in the afternoon!

I'll sign up for Savage World Goblins in the morning.

Nah, axe my breakfast reservation buzz. Serves me right for waiting till the morning after to pick my games. Happy gaming, all.
Sorry to hear it, Lifelike. See you next time, then!

Voidrunner's Codex

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