Chicago Gameday 35 is July 13th: SIGN UP TO PLAY

Nev the Deranged

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Hm... tough decision...

Breakfast, aaaaaand..... Exploding Kingdoms? Or maybe Tenra.... grrrr, I hate making decisions. XK for now, I might change my mind.

Also perhaps I should add more to my game desc to make it more appealing, eh?

"Can your tribe of protohumans survive in a prehistoric world where nearly everything considers you dinner? Only by working together, and by finding the balance between Civility and Savagery will you overcome the myriad dangers of aeons past. Sharpen your pointy rocks and your wits, and prepare to get Primitive!"

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Please sign Laurie up for Deniable Asset in the morning and Monster of the Week in the afternoon please. And go ahead and add both of us to breakfast.

Sign me up for breakfast and Deniable Asset in the morning spot, please!

My group which includes myself, my two kids and my friend Brad would like to reserve spots in Steamscapes and Ragnarok.

Forgot to add my kids names are Codey and Gillian. We are all experienced with Savage Worlds.

Please sign me up for afternoon AD&D 1E with MArk CMG. Thanks!

Tim and I will take the spots in Rust Belt.

Tim would like to play in Last Best Hope in the evening.

Buzz please sign me up for Afternoon Game 5: Mutants of the Civil War: Hostile Takeover. Thanks.


Slot 1, Game 4


Slot 2, Game 7


Buzz, please sign me up for:

Morning slot - All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Afternoon salt - Tenra Bansho Zero


Hi Buzz,
Would you, please, sign me up for Morning Game 2: Undeath in the Desert (All Flesh Must Be Eaten), as well, as your game Afternoon Game 7: Lotus Blossom's Bridal Path (Tenra Bansho Zero). We shall do our best to roll outta bed early enough to make breakfast. Looking forward to seeing everyone at GameDay!!! :cool:
~ Nat

Hm... tough decision...

Breakfast, aaaaaand..... Exploding Kingdoms? Or maybe Tenra.... grrrr, I hate making decisions. XK for now, I might change my mind.

Morning: Indie double.
Afternoon: Willow's thing (sorry, on my phone and scrolling is a bitch)
Phil, both of those games are afternoon games. I've put you down for OLBH for now.


First Post
Please sign me, Dylan Clayton, up for -

Morning: 5. Shab Al-Hiri Roach / Misspent Youth, WJMacGuffin

Afternoon: 2.
Monster Of The Week, Ninjacat

Voidrunner's Codex

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