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Chicago Gameday XI is 7/9: Planning thread!

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Oooooo, Sparkly *ahem* GameDay!!

Count me 99.summity-odd% in; I'll be able to confirm once a final date is set (either is fine by me, just have to inform the Retail Gods of Scheduling to make sure I can get off work. *sporks Retail Gods of Scheduling*)

I'll most likely run one/play one, slot doesn't matter to me... ..probably run a Unisystem Buffy/Angel game, or a d20 Mutants & Masterminds superheroes, depending on others' input.

Reidzilla? You Silver Age Sentinel-ing this go-round?

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Hello all! Either date is good for me but it seems that the 18th looks best. Here is my entry into the event pool. Also, count on some Dice Goblins™ for the Prize table!

Carnival of Evil
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd ed.

It has been a hard winter at the northern edge of the Empire and Ulric’s fury has smote heavily upon the border village of Ofgum. But behold, the merciful Rhya has brought an early spring and the time of Start Growth, the spring festival, is at hand! Even more, a garish troupe of wagon bound carnivaleers has come to join the festivities! Surely the gods have blessed these days, or have they?
Come join the spring festival of Ofgum and see if you can save the unfortunate village form its grizzly fate! Characters will be provided and rules will be taught, if necessary. For 6 players.
Morning Slot, table by the doors.


Ninjacat said:
Reidzilla? You Silver Age Sentinel-ing this go-round?

Maybe. It depends on what other events are going on and if anybody else wants me to run it. So, if you want the Allied Avengers to assemble once more, let your voice be heard!


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Reidzilla said:
Morning Slot, table by the doors.

Hey Reidzilla, I am not Buzz, but I know that the Miniatures thing that runs each GD runs at that table...the one with the "gm bench" simply because it is the best set-up for them with their lights and stuff. Just a head's up.


FCWesel said:
Hey Reidzilla, I am not Buzz, but I know that the Miniatures thing that runs each GD runs at that table...the one with the "gm bench" simply because it is the best set-up for them with their lights and stuff. Just a head's up.

Err...I mean the table by the doors, as in the one I used last time. The one by the prize table thing. Would it be less confusing if i call it "the table by the bathroom"? :)


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buzz said:
2. I'd like to give the event GMs first crack at the prize selection; sort of a small reward for their efforts. Is this a problem for anyone?

As someone who regularly GMs, I think its a great idea.

Assuming the gameday falls on the 18th, I'll probably plan on running another d20 Skull & Bones swashbuckling adventure...

The Melodramatic Misadventures
Romiet & Juleo
A Comedic Romance.

Also... I'd be quite interested in playing in a Conan D20 or Paranoia XP game, should anyone decide to run one.
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Reidzilla said:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd ed.
I was a playtester for that, you know.


Uh, anyway... Is this a morning or afternoon event? I am already tempted by this and FC's Cats event. :)


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buzz said:
Uh, anyway... Is this a morning or afternoon event? I am already tempted by this and FC's Cats event. :)

Hehehe. Hey Buzz. I am flexible on which one I run at which slot. If PB needs to run at one specific time, I can switch mine about.


buzz said:
Uh, anyway... Is this a morning or afternoon event? I am already tempted by this and FC's Cats event. :)

Ummm...well, the last line of my event post says "Morning slot, table by the door" so I guess the answer would be... the morning slot! :p

That should work out well as FCW's "Nine Lives" is currently scheduled for afternoon.

As for your playtesting, I still got my 1980's 1st ed rulebook I used for a year and a half long, weekly campaign. So there! :D

Seriously, kudos to you. I would have loved to playtest the 2nd ed. You are most welcome to join my game, tell me what I am doing wrong, and die horribly. ;)

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