Chicago Gameday XV is Oct 21st: Planning thread

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TracerBullet42 said: see that Floyd? The elf called himself an "adventurer."

FREUND, my familiar, is an adventurer...the rest of us are Lackey's, Cohorts and Cannon Fodder.

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pvt. patterson

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i think i have a good if idea atm, no three thousand(or so) cookies! :p:p:p, i won't be bringing in treats this time though. the bakery closed down. :'(, so. bring treats every one!

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
pvt. patterson said:
bring treats every one!

Actually, they sell treats at the store and don't charge us anything for the space so bringing treats is bad form. Donuts in the morning are one thing but a bunch of snacks for the whole day for everyone is not. Just bring an extra buck or two for sodas and chips from their great selection. It's the least we can do given how kind they've always been to us.


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Mark CMG said:
Actually, they sell treats at the store and don't charge us anything for the space so bringing treats is bad form.

Forget that, bring (a modest amount) treats if you want to folks (it's nice to share).

Support the store by buying GAMES!!! Games Plus would rather have you buy a game book or four instead of a silly bag of chips. Otherwise, Curt and Jeff would have called the place "Chips Plus".

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
FCWesel said:
Forget that, bring (a modest amount) treats if you want to folks (it's nice to share).

No, seriously. I've discussed this with Curt, back when I started these gamedays (five or six years ago), a number of times as the gamedays have evolved (particularly after the the one with all of the cookies), and again just ten minutes ago. Part of how they compensate for the overhead of having a game room is by selling the snacks and sodas. They stock up on these items prior to gamedays. They love the support they receive from the gamedays but don't forget that they cancel all other (always busy) game room activities three times a year for us. In other places where people run all-day gaming events they have to shell out hundreds of dollars to rent a space. Not only does Games Plus provide free space but they forego their regularly scheduled activities (their regulars are also a chips and soda lovin' bunch). Really, Floyd, if you don't believe me you can pop in the store tomorrow and discuss it with Curt yourself.


First Post
Mark CMG said:
No, seriously. .... Really, Floyd, if you don't believe me you can pop in the store tomorrow and discuss it with Curt yourself.

Mark, relax. Mole-Hill = Mountain, here. In any event (or in particular this event;)), it's Curt's or Buzz's place to "make demands or rules on folks" attending Game Day, not yours or mine.

Personally, I don't bring stuff, and I rarely have anything offered. (Usually just way too much for me. Plus I eat a big breakfast before hand at Mr. A's.)
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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
FCWesel said:
Mark, relax. Mole-Hill = Mountain, here.

Oh, I'm relaxed. Thanks. I'm just making sure your advice doesn't wind up causing hard feelings with the people kind enough to host our gameday.

FCWesel said:
In any event (or in particular this event;)), it's Curt's or Buzz's place to "make demands or rules on folks" attending Game Day, not yours or mine.

No one has made any demands or rules. Curt, in particular, is a very good friend of mine and a very laid back guy. As I said, I had just finished dicussing the situation with him before posting. He'd just as soon not have to create some sort of rule or policy. They've always been real kind about that at Games Plus and don't make a fuss if someone brings in a lunch and a soda with them or carries in a drink they had with them while they were out and about. However, bringing lots of snacks or drinks has always been frowned upon. Like I said, they don't want to create some sort of rule or policy and it's better for everyone if we, as gamedayers, respect the store enough not to take advantage of them in this regard. If you wish to discuss it with Curt further, he'll be at the store tomorrow. He'll be tied up all day, today, as it's his day off from work.


Mark CMG said:
As I said, I had just finished dicussing the situation with him before posting. He'd just as soon not have to create some sort of rule or policy.
I will go ahead and be the bad guy, then: Folks, please don't bring lots of food and drinks.

Mark basically beat me to the punch. I brought a big cooler full of soda to the last Gameday; not only did this arouse my wife's anger ("You GAVE OUR SODA AWAY?!?!"), but I also felt like a total ass when I arrived and saw Curt and rvalle dutifully filling up the soda machines. It didn't dawn on me until then that Games Plus is doing us a huge favor, and I, by bringing a cooler, was being a jerk in return by whittling away at their modest profits.

Sure, ideally people can give back to GP by purchasing lots of swag at Gameday. Still, not everyone attending can do afford to do that. But, they likely can afford to spent $5 on soda and candy. Given that GP has donated space they could be using for product demos and tournaments, and that they've donated some kickass prizes in the past (like the GenCon passes), the least we can do is buy a Snickers bar or two.

That's my take on it. I don't mean to be the bad guy, but I realize now that there needs to be some give-and-take.


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Barendd Nobeard said:
Well, there go my plans for treating everyone to Sauerkraut Custard from Milwaukee!


Not the Milwaukee Sauerkraut Custard ?!?! OK, people, sometimes we lose track of what's really important here. Think of the sauerkraut. Won't someone please think of the sauerkraut!

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